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(1) But the most unusual section in the museum is "History of Computer Development". There is a mechanical calculating device, which was used for the census 1 of the population in the USA in 1890. One can also find NEC electronic computer that controlled the Moon expedition of the American astronauts, and the first commercial computer UNIVAC (1951) that predicted an election 2 victory for president Eisenhower.

(2) Not long ago, Oliver Streampel, one of the museum research workers, proposed to build up such a computer that one could walk inside of it. It took a group of enthusiasts a year to construct this museum exhibit. Its keyboard is about 7.5 meters long, and diskettes are 1.8 meter in diameter. All visitors can have a look at the opposite side of the screen and make sense how the computer operates.

(3) The oldest electronic machines of the Boston computer museum were designed soon after World War II. The first IBM personal computer appeared in 1981, but 5-10 years in the computer world seem to be a century.

Notes: 1census – перепись;

2election – выборы.

Ex. 27.What questions would you ask Mr. Streampel if you were a visitor to he museum?


Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

microelectronics, microprocessor, microcomputer, miniaturization, specially, firm, commercial, to concentrate, style, multimedia, percent, agency, genuine, enthusiasm, enthusiast, potential, atmosphere, creativity, prestigious, investor, compactness;

technical innovation, Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems, video terminal, computer hobbyist, electronics expert, graphical interface, routine operation, massive machine, technology-oriented business, innovators of computer technology.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 325 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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