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Ex. 10. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence

1. When you visit a web site, some words on the page may be underlined, ___ that there is more information about the subject in another document.

A. showing B. having showed C. showed

2. If ___ with magnetic tapes, magnetic discs can perform both sequential and random processing.

A. comparing B. having compared C. compared

3. You can play computer games through WWW, ___ with partners from other countries and continents.

A. competing B. competed C. having competed

4. ___ the research, the scientists made the analysis of the data obtained.

A. Completing B. Having completed C. Completed

5. The typewriter ___ a few days ago has gone wrong.

A. buying B. having bought C. bought

6. As an electronic memory doesn't have any ___ mechanical parts, it can transfer data at a very high speed.

A. moving B. having moved C. moved

7. When properly ___, computers don't make computational errors.

A. programming B. having programmed C. programmed

8. You will lose some of the formatting when ___ the document in another program.

A. viewing B. having viewed C. viewed

9. Modern computer monitors can display a wide variety of information, ___ text, photographs, computer graphics, video, and animation.

A. including B. having included C. included

10. Most PCs have audio speakers ___ the user to hear sounds, such as music or spoken words that the computer generates.

A. allowing B. having allowed C. allowed

11. ___ all the money, he started looking for work.

A. spending B. having spent C. spent

12. ___ the Mark I computer, the scientists ___ at the Harvard University under the direction of Prof. Aiken used it for ballistic calculations.

A. Developing B. Having developed C. Developed

A. working B. having worked D. worked

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