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Ex. 19. Complete the sentences. Try to do it without consulting the text

1. Electromechanical computers were not fast enough as their speed was limited by ___.

2. The speed of electronic machines is restricted by ___.

3. One of the earliest electronic digital computers was called ___.

4. This machine was developed by ___.

5. British cryptographers used the computer to ___.

6. ENIAC was the first ___.

7. This machine was designed by ___ and put into operation at ___ in ___.

8. The ___ of ENIAC was 30 tons, its ___ was 5.5 meters, its ___ was 24 meters.

9. ENIAC contained 18,000 ___ linked by ___.

10. About 2,000 of the computer’s vacuum tubes were replaced each month by ___.

11. This electronic machine was 500 times as fast as ___.

12. ENIAC was not a stored-program machine, that's why it ___.

13. EDVAC was developed ___.

14. If compared to ENIAC, EDVAC was ___.

15. Two innovations first appeared in EDVAC such as ___.

16. A stored-program computer is usually called ___.

Ex. 20. M emorize the following terms.

1. logic circuitry – логические схемы 2. vacuum tube – электронная лампа 3. semi-conductor device – полупроводниковое устройство 4. preformatted paper – бумага в заданном формате 5. to keypunch – набивать перфокарту или перфоленту 6. manual calculations – вычисления на бумаге (сделанные без помощи машины) 7. large-scale integrated circuit, LSIC – большая интегральная схема, ИС с высокой степенью интеграции, БИС 8. very large-scale integrated circuit, VLSI– сверхбольшая интегральная схема, ИС со сверхвысокой степенью интеграции, СБИС 9. ultra large-scale integration, ULSI – ультрабольшая интегральная схема, микросхема с очень высокой плотностью размещения элементов, УБИС 10. circuit density – плотность монтажа схемы 11. support circuitry – вспомогательные схемы

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