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Ex. 9. Match the beginnings (1-7) and ends (a-g) of the sentences. Define the type and function of participles in each group


1. A digital computer is a machine… 2. Before 1970, computers were huge machines… 3. A transistor is a tiny piece of silicon… 4. Multimedia is a computer technology… 5. Microsoft Corporation is the world's largest company… 6. The keyboard is the most common device… 7. The mouse is an optic-mechanical device… a) requiring thousands of separate transistors. b) helping the user to manipulate text, numbers or images in computer display. c) developing computer software. d) enabling us to input numerical and text data. e) combining text, audio, video, and animated graphics. f) performing operations on data represented in digital or number form. g) containing complex electronic circuits used inside all computers.


1. While operating with graphical interface,… 2. Using learning programs,…   3. When passing through a conductor,…   4. Preparing a computer program,… 5. Using automated teller machines,… 6. Moving the mouse on the surface of the table,… 7. When designing your site,… a) you can withdraw money from your account at any time. b) think about whether it must be interactive or informational. c) a user controls the movement of the cursor on the screen. d) free electrons form an electric current. e) students can study at their own speed. f) people usually use such manipulators as a mouse and a track ball. g) we translate ordinary business data into machine languages.


1. Having made all the necessary preparations,… 2. Having measured the distance between two points,… 3. Having clicked on the hypertext link,… 4. Having viewed the film,… 5. Having looked through all the documents,… 6. Having discussed the functions of storage units,… 7. Having well prepared for the exam,… a) we felt we had a better understanding of the conflict. b) we passed on to the consideration of control processing unit. c) the operator began assembling the device. d) the designer left the office. e) we can calculate the time a car can cover it, if we know the car’s average speed. f) the pupils could answer all the questions the teacher asked them. g) I quickly moved to another Web page.


1. The image that you see on the monitor is made up of tiny dots… 2. The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004… 3. Word editor is a computer program… 4. A fundamental component in nearly all modern electronic devices is a transistor… 5. Laptop computer is a portable, battery-powered computer… 6. The Internet is a network of millions of computers around the world,… 7. Database is a collection of similar information… a) designed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the mid-1980s. b) stored in a file, such as a database of addresses. c) produced in 1971. d) connected by phone lines, satellites or cable, so that all the computers on the Net can exchange information with each other. e) called pixels.   f) used to create text files or to make changes to an existing text document. g) invented in 1948.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 348 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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