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Exercise 1. Insert colons where appropriate and comment on their use

1. Whether you are cultivating cabbages or grapes, care is needed to achieve a good harvest good grapes make good wine. 2. We went to the 7 30 showing at the theatre. 3. Payment may be made in any of the following ways cheque, cash, or credit card. 4. The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2 1. 5. You should buy the following ingredients butter, cream and flour. 6. Mix the milk and oil at a 1 2 ratio. 7. Mary set her alarm clock for 6 30 am. 8. There is only one way to pass the exams hard work. 9. I said ‘Are you a chemist?’ 10. George said that in that case we must take a rug each, a lamp, some soap, a brush and a comb. 11. He told the others that it was simple enough all they had to do was to follow him. 12. George got out his banjo after supper, and wanted to play it, but Harris objected he said he had got a headache, and did not feel strong enough to stand it. 13. Harris said “If you never try a new thing, how can you tell what it’s like?” 14. He said that was the advantage of Irish stew you got rid of such a lot of things. 15. You see, it was in this way we were sitting in a meadow, about ten yards from the water’s edge, and we had just settled down comfortably to feed. 16. Do you remember this old proverb ‘When poverty comes in the door, love flies out of the window’? 17. He was a man of many parts writer, literary critic and historian. 18. The state has a dual role to support business on the one hand and to be the guardian of social welfare on the other. 19. The ratio of application to available places currently stands at 100 1. 20. I’ll be home by 6 30, I promise. 21. They used helicopters, airplanes and mortars. 22. He was waiting for one thing to happen either for a drought, or for a storm. 23. Susan's hobbies include reading, cooking, and drama. 24. Alex has got one real problem lack of confidence. 25. Another help is selenium, a vital trace element one brazil nut will provide your daily needs. 26. In the morning, when she calls her parents, her eyes are red and moist from sleeplessness he assumed. 27. She is interested in cinema, music and sport. 28. Ask the men to meet here at 11 00 for a briefing. 29. I read the prescription. It ran

1 lb beefsteak, with

1 pt bitter beer

every 6 hours.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 283 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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