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Exercise 3. In the following sentences insert commas where appropriate and comment on your choice

1. I went to Italy­­­­­­­­­ France Switzerland Austria and Germany. 2. We then had a bowl of fruit salad a glass of beer and fish and chips. 3. I cannot tell whether she is old or young for I have never seen her. 4. Standing apart the stranger made most of us uneasy. 5. He had small brown eyes. 6. Threatened by the rising waters of the river the residents of the town hurriedly abandoned their homes and fled to high ground. 7. First Alice and Bob decided to establish a self-sufficient life on a small farm. 8. The verses Eliza wrote as a child still give me pleasure. 9. Honey a delicious and nutritious food is produced by bees. 10. The Smiths are willing to attend the party as long as they are invited. 11. The child then added ‘I was also given a teddy bear as a present for my birthday.’ 12. I am looking forward to 12 February 2015. 13. Arthur B. Gross Chairman of the Board is retiring this year half a century of service to the organization. 14. I discussed it with my brother who is a lawyer. 15. Ms Williams our headmistress congratulated us on the beginning of the school year. 16. Fred didn’t study law. Instead he decided to become an actor. 17. The show was lovely expensive wonderfully staged. 18. The couple searched for the house­ which they reserved for their holiday. 19. The cabinet described the current economic crisis namely the inflation rate for the last quarter. 20. It was a hot sunny day. 21. Come in and make yourself comfortable. 22. It was an exhausting day but rewarding. 23. With his hands in his pockets Sam came up to his friends. 24. You don’t know Chinese do you? 25. Some of my friends decided to go to the Crimea for their holidays; the others to the Carpathians. 26. The newly married couple decided to spend their honeymoon in Edinburgh Scotland. 27. Oops I’ve spelt that wrong. 28. No Jimmy don’t touch that switch. 29. The girl who received a scholarship is my sister. 30. Could you please clean up the living room? 31. Sadly the business failed.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 319 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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