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Exercise 4. Read the sentences and explain the use of punctuation marks

1. It was a warm, windy day. 2. Susan left for home early but Jim stayed all evening. 3. Defeated, he decided to retire from politics. 4. Martin decided to find a remote place where he could think everything over. 5. With his hat on, Pall entered a dim room. 6. Gosh, it’s cold. 7. Evergreen trees make a splendid hedge, are easy to maintain, and have long lives. 8. They had a holiday at Christmas, at New Year (,) and at Easter. 9. He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail. 10. Sue was wearing jeans and an old blue jacket. 11. He liked to go for walks on warm, dry days. 12. Seeking interesting employment, the young couple moved to Germany. 13. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, poet and novelist, went to exile to protest conditions in the Soviet Union. 14. I will not take a long airplane flight as long as you refuse to go along with me. 15. I am looking forward to retiring to my parents’ home in Siena, Italy. 16. Her favourite painters are Michelangelo, Goya (,) and Van Gogh. 17. Please be quiet! 18. They were equally fond of swimming, dancing, hiking (,) and riding. 19. Finally, I would like to thank the staff for their hard work. 20. I don’t remember David’s address, but my roommate surely knows where he lives. 21. I would eagerly join you in the party, but I’m very busy. 22. I was born in Naples, Italy. 23. It’s a nice coat, but it doesn’t really suit you. 24. After my heart attack, the doctor advised me to get in shape and stay that way. 25. Taken together, these measures should ensure a rapid return to financial stability. 26. Prices range from £10,000 to over £100,000. 27. My neighbour often complains of high blood pressure, bad headaches (,) and frequent colds. 28. The company started to import diesel-powered automobiles, and motorbikes. 29. Despite the discrimination they suffered, my parents were fair, decent (,) and good. 30. Happily, his injuries were not serious.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 520 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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