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Marriage and Wedding Ceremony

A) Work in small groups. Brainstorm words for this timeline table. Use dictionaries if necessary.

Preparations for wedding At the wedding After the wedding
E.g. Stag party, invitations… Tears, wedding rings … Honeymoon…

Task 16. Read the account of a wedding and fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

No one could ever have looked as beautiful as my sister did on her wedding day last summer. Her 1 ) _______ (rose) cheeks, together with her soft smile, lit up the old stone village church. She looked 2) ____ (glory) in her beauti­ful wedding dress. 3) _____ (excite) family members and friends were present to witness and celebrate the happy event. The wedding took place after months of frantic 4) _______ (prepare). The church had to be booked in advance, as well as the 5) _____ (luxury) hotel where the reception was held. The making of the wedding gown took weeks, as there were many alterations to be made. Then there were flowers to be ordered, cars to be booked, menus to be planned, and a band to be chosen for the reception. On the big day, everything went perfectly. The bride looked beautiful, the groom handsome. The service was very 6) _____ (move) and I know I was not the only one to shed a tear when my sister said, "I do". We emerged from the church and the 7) _______ (profession) photographer snapped photos of the 8) ________ (beam) newlyweds and guests. The reception was also 9) ________ (success): deli­cious food, bubbly champagne and loud music kept us 10) ______ (happy) dancing well into the early hours of the morning. There was an overall feeling of happiness among the tired guests as the glowing new couple departed for their honey­moon.

(taken from Mission 2, p. 31)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 479 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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