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Phrases and Idioms for Relationships

Task12. Match the example sentences from the column A containing an idiom or phrase for describing relationship with their corresponding meaning from the column B. Use dictionaries if necessary.

1. My parents and I get on well with each other a. Often argue / disagree.
2. My cousins don’t see eye to eye. b. Refers to position / length of service at work.
3. I’ve fallen out withmy little brother again. c. A sexual relationship, usually secret.
4. My elder sister and her boyfriend have broken up / split up recently. d. Have a good relationship
5. My uncle Bob is having an affair with his boss. e. Adults / parents
6. Children should respect their elders. f. Be friends again after a row.
7. Your niece and nephew should make it up. g. Ended their relationship.
8. I’m senior to my sister, so she does what she is told. h. Had arguments

Task 13. Correct the sentences, containing the phrases and idioms that have mistakes.

1. My father and his ex-wife don’t get on eye to eye with each other.

2. I fell up with my parents last night. It wasn’t my fault.

3. We had a quarrel but now we’ve made it well.

4. Do you think Bill and Sandra are making an affair? I do.

5. I see very well with all my relatives.

6. Children should learn to respect their olders.

7. My stepbrother has broken down with his girlfriend.

Task 14. Use the phrases and idioms from the Task 12 to compose the sentences of your own describing the relationships in your family


Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 561 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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