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Long Vowels

· [ỹ] changed to [ī];

· [ǽ] fell together with [έ];

· [ā] changed to [ō] e.g. OE st ā n – ME sto[o:]ne(stone).

As a result:

  close open
ī ū ē ō έ ǿ

New Diphthongs

OE diphthongs turned into monophthongs:

OE Diphth. ME Sounds OE ME
ĭě/īē à i l īe htan l i ghten (lighten)
ĕŏ/ēō à e h eo rte h e rte (heart)
ĕă/ēā à æ ēa st ee st (east)

New diphthongs appeared due to vocalisation of [j], [γ] and [w]. These consonants turned into vowels ([i], [u] and [u] respectively) and became the glides of the new diphthongs:

i-glides OE ME u-glides OE ME
[ei] weζ [j ] wey [i ] (way) [iu] - -
[ai] m æ ζ [j] may [i ] (may) [au] la ζ[ γ ] u law [u] e [‘lauə] (low)
[oi](in French loan-words)   boy, toy [ou] cnāw [w] an know [u] en [‘knouən] (know)

New English

Great Vowel Shift – the change that happened in the 14th – 16th c. and affected all long monophthongs + diphthong [au]. As a result these vowels were:

· diphthongized;

· narrowed (became more closed);

· both diphthongized and narrowed.

ME Sounds NE Sounds ME NE
[i:] à [ai] time [‘ti:mə] time [teim]
[e:] à [i:] kepen [‘ke:pən] keep [ki:p]
[a:] à [ei] maken [‘ma:kən] make [meik]
[o:] à à [ou] [u:] stone [‘sto:nə] moon [mo:n] stone [stoun] moon [mu:n]
[u:] à [au] mous [mu:s] mouse [maus]
[au] à [o:] cause [‘kauzə] cause [ko:z]

This shift was not followed by spelling changes, i.e. it was not reflected in written form. Thus the Great Vowel Shift explains many modern rules of reading.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 559 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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