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Rise of Diphthongs

In PG there were no diphthongs. There was just a sequence of two separate vowels. Diphthongs appeared in OE: some (usually long diphthongs) – as a result of merging of two vowels:

Sounds Diphth. Gothic OE
a + u à ea: au so ea re (ear)
e + u à eo: þ eu dans þ ēo den (king)
(i + u)à (io:) (dialectal variant) d iu ps d īo p (deep)

others (usually short diphthongs) – as a result of the influence of the succeeding and preceding consonants (breaking of [æ, e]):

Monoph. Diphth. Influence Gothic OE
æ à ea before l a lls ea ll (all)
æ à ea before h a htau ea hta (eight)
e à eo before r h e rza h eo rte (heart)
æ à ea after sk’/k’ sk a dus sc ea du (shade)
æ: à ea: after j j â r ζ ēa r (year)

Palatal Mutation/i-Umlaut

Mutation – a change of one vowel to another one under the influence of a vowel in the following syllable.

Palatal mutation(or i-Umlaut) happened in the 6th -7th c. and was shared by all Old Germanic Languages, except Gothic (that’s why later it will be used for comparison).

Palatal mutationfronting and raising of vowels under the influence of [i] and [j] in the following syllable (to approach the articulation of these two sounds). As a result of palatal mutation:

· [i] and [j] disappeared in the following syllable sometimes leading to the doubling of a consonant in this syllable;

· new vowels appeared in OE ([ie, y]) as a result of merging and splitting:

before palatal mutation after palatal mutation Gothic OE
a à o à æ à e b a di b e dd (bed)
a: à æ: d a ils d æ lan (deal)
ŏ/ō à ĕ/ē m ō tjan m ē tan (meet)
ŭ/ū à ŷ/ỹ(labialised) (new!) f u lljan f y llan (fill)
ĕă/ēā à ĕŏ/ēō à ĭě/īē (new!) ea ld (early OE) ie ldra (late OE)

Traces of i-Umlaut in Modern English:

1. irregular Plural of nouns (man – men; tooth – teeth);

2. irregular verbs and adjectives (told ←tell; sold ←sell; old – elder);

3. word-formation with sound interchange (long – length; blood – bleed).

OE Vowel System (symmetrical, i.e each short vowel had its long variant)

  Monophthongs + Diphthongs
Short ĭ ĕ ă ǽ ŏ ŭ ŷ ĕŏ ĕă ĭě
Long ī ē ā æ ō ū ēō ēā īē

The length of vowels was phonologically relevant (i.e. served to distinguish words):

e.g. (OE) is (is) – īs (ice); col (coal) –cōl (cool); god (god) – gōd (good), etc.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 641 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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