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System of Declensions

Though the stem-suffixes merged with the root, declensions were still existent in OE and were based on the former IE stem-suffixes:

a-stem – the most numerous declension (M, N):

Case Masculine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nom, Acc fisc fiscas dēor dēor!
Gen fisces fisca dēores dēora
Dat fisce fiscum dēore dēorum

Traces of a-stem in Modern English:

· -es (M, Sg, Gen) à ‘s (student’s book) – Possessive Case;

· -as (M, Pl, Nom) à -(e)s (watches, books) – plural ending for the majority of nouns;

· - (N, Pl, Nom) à zero ending (deer, sheep) – homogeneous Sg and Pl.

n-stem (M, N, F):

Case Masculine
Singular Plural
Nom nama naman
Gen naman namena
Dat naman namum
Acc naman naman

Traces of n-stem in Modern English:

· -an (M, Pl, Nom) à -en (oxen, children, brethren) – irregular plural ending.

root-stem – never had stem-suffix, words consisted of just a root(M, F):

Case Masculine
Singular Plural
Nom, Acc fōt fēt
Gen fotes fōta
Dat fēt fōtum

Traces of n-stem in Modern English:

· root-sound interchange (M, Pl, Nom) à root-sound interchange (men, geese, mice) – irregular Plural.

Middle English

Most changes occurred to the Noun in ME.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 555 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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