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Ex.7 Translate into English

1. Обмен валюты запрещен на борту.

2. Ваша банкнота порвана/склеена/старого образца.

3. Запас изделий на борту ограничен.

4. Мы можем провозить только ограниченное количество каждой единицы товара.

5. Русская водка продана. Она пользовалась сегодня спросом. Русская водка хорошо продается.

6. Мы начнем торговлю беспошлинными товарами после обслуживания питанием.

7. Текущий курс валюты составляет......

8. На одну кредитную карту оформляется покупка не более чем на 300 долларов.

9. Серьги Вам очень идут.

10. Вы можете померить эти очки если желаете.

11. Прошу Вас оплатить точной суммой, если возможно, так как полетное время короткое.

12. Есть ли у Вас купюра меньшего достоинства?

Passengers' questions and complaints:

- What was that loud bang?

- It was the landing gear locking up/down, sir. Don't worry. It's perfectly normal!

- The wings seem to be bending!

- Yes, sir! They are designed to be flexible. I assure you, it's very safe.

- I think one of the engines is on fire!

- Jet engines work with a flame coming from their exhaust. There is absolutely nothing unusual about it!

- I have never understood. How exactly are we keeping in the air?

- It is a rather technical subject, sir. But basically the air, moving at the speed over our wings, creates a lifting force, that is equal to our weight.

- How on earth does the pilot know which way to fly?

- Well, sir. Our aircraft is equipped with a modern electronic equipment on the flight deck and the captain uses it to navigate towards radio beacons, which are located on the ground.

- How can it be safe to fly through these clouds?

- Don't worry, madam. Our captain uses radar and the latest radio navigation system.

- What if something breaks down?

- All the important pieces of the aircraft are duplicated, sir.

- What would we do if the worst came to the worst?

- Relax, sir. All the cabin crew are highly trained. And in any case, I'm sure nothing is going to be wrong. So, just sit back in your seat and enjoy the flight.

Ankle Arm Armpit Belly Body Buttocks Cheeks Chin Ear Elbow Eye Eyebrow Face Chest Feet – foot Finger Forearm Forehead Joint Hair Hand Head Heel Hip Knee Leg Lip Mouth Nail Neck Nose Palm Shoulder Teeth – tooth Throat Toe Tongue Waist Wrist  


Blood Blood vessels Bowels Brain Eardrums Heart Kidney Liver Lungs Rib Skin Spine = backbone Stomach Disease = illness Infectious diseases Cholera Yellow fever Smallpox Typhoid fever Plague Malaria Ulcer Indigestion Flatulence Intoxication Diarrhoea/stomach trouble Heartburn Vomiting/nausea Chest pain Claustrophobia Migraine Giddiness Concussion Faint/loss of consciousness Constipation Headache Stomachache Toothache Earache Heartache/heart trouble/cardiac arrest Insomnia Pain(slight / a bit of / sharp / shooting / swelling) Bleeding (external/internal/nose) Suffocation Sick passenger To feel sick/airsickness Abscess Attack = fit Liver attack (Attack of) epilepsy (Attack of) asthma (Attack) of appendicitis Neural fit Hiccup Spasm Flu = influenza Angina = sore throat Cold Running nose = head cold Cough/fit of coughing Chill Fever (slight/high) Tickling in one’s throat To swallow Pulse (normal/weak/quick) Blood pressure (high/low) A fracture/to fracture An injury/to injure A dislocation/ to dislocate Airsickness bag Breath/ to breathe to breathe in = to inhale to breathe out = exhale Pregnant woman Some fit (Premature) delivery/child birth to deliver a child/to give birth to a child  

I'm sorry but we are not authorized to make injections, I will make an announcement:

"Ladies and gentlemen, if there is a doctor or a nurse on board, please identify yourself to a cabin attendant. Thank you"

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 377 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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