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Ex.4 Read and translate the dialogues

CA: Perfumes, gifts, chocolates, alcohol, toys….

Man: Yes, please.

CA: What can I get for you, sir?

Man: I’m looking for a light perfume for my daughter’s birthday.

CA: I have the perfect one…no two. This one is delightful and costs only 41 dollars. The other one is classic – the very best, but more expensive at 65 dollars.

Man; Which one would you recommend?

CA: I really like this one.

Man: And the price of it is 41 dollars? Ok, I will take it.

CA: How would you like to pay?

Man: By credit card. But just a minute, can I also see the airline’s specially designed scarves?

CA: Of course. They are pure silk and they are …let me see, 72 dollars each.

Man: I’ll take one.

CA: So, that comes to – let me add it up…41 plus 72…113 dollars.

Man: Ok. Here’s my credit card and my frequent flyers card, too, for the points.

CA: Than you. Would you like a receipt or just a credit card print-out?

Man: I need a receipt, too.

CA: No problem, here is your receipt, here are your cards and these are your gifts.

Man: Thanks a lot.

CA: - Have you chosen something, madam?

PAX: - I would prefer a watch....

CA: - Would you care for ladies or gents or children?

PAX: - Just for myself.

CA: - The choice is wide. How do you like pearl bracelet watches?

PAX: - Beautiful. What kind of pearl is it?

CA: - Cultivated. Would you like a two-row or a three-row bracelet watch?

PAX: - A two-row pearl bracelet watch. May I try it on?

CA: - Certainly. Is the bracelet loosen or tight or comfortable?

PAX: - Quite comfortable.

CA: - Do you take it?

PAX: - Yes, certainly. How much is it?

CA: - The price is 105 euros.

PAX: - Here is the money.

CA: - This is the change. Thank you for your purchase.

PAX: - I don't want to buy anything, but could you please exchange my British pounds for USD?

CA: - I'm sorry, but currency exchange is prohibited on board. In accordance with our regulations and besides that sometimes passengers give us false banknotes. You can exchange your British pounds for USD at Domodedovo bank.

PAX: - I'd like to buy sunglasses.

CA: - Which colour would you prefer: black, light, brown, green, dark blue or yellow?

PAX: - Light brown, please. May I try on?

CA: - Of course. The sunglasses become you very much.

PAX: - Thank you, but I don't like this frame. Could you please change the sunglasses?

CA: - I'm sorry, they are the only ones. Do you take? The price is 30 euros.

PAX: - Why? I think you are wrong. Look at the price, given in the magazine.

CA: - I'm sorry, madam. But the price has been changed this month.

PAX: - I don't have euros, only US dollars. What is the current currency rate?

CA: - 1 euro equals 1,5 US dollars.

CA: - I'm sorry, but I can't accept this banknote. It is old-issued/torn/glued/with fat/ink spots. Could you please change this banknote?

CA: - I'm sorry, madam. I can't slip your credit card. It is broken/damaged/invalid.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 578 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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