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Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы

1. The director of our firm is going through the morning mail now. 2. These businessmen are speaking English. 3. Mr Sedov can’t speak to you now. He is receiving some French businessmen. 4. They are discussing the terms of delivery. 5. Our firm is doing business with many foreign companies. 6. The contract will be ready the day after tomorrow. 7. I shall phone you in half an hour. 8. They will make an appointment for Tuesday. 9. The price will be acceptable to us. 10. There will be a lot of people at the seaside. 11. They will have an English lesson on Monday. 12. He will go on business the day after tomorrow. 13. We will send you our offers next week.

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. It isn’t cold, … did you?

2. The police caught him, … isn’t it?

3. You stole it, … aren’t we?

4. They won’t tell anyone, … aren’t they?

5. It’s Thursday today, … didn’t they?

6. There’s no proof, … is it?

7. You didn’t say that, … can you?

8. They should be late, … doesn’t he?

9. You’ve got two sisters, … didn’t you?

10. He can play golf well, … doesn’t he?

11. He’s spoken to her, … is there?

12. They aren’t French, … shouldn’t they?

13. You are the new secretary, … aren’t you?

14. They’re working hard, … can’t he?

15. He loves you, … are they?

16. We’re late, … haven’t you?

17. You like black coffee, … isn’t he?

18. Mr Evans is speaking over the phone, … don’t you?

19. There was nobody there, … did he?

20. Your son didn’t help you much, … was there?

21. They sent a letter the day before yesterday, … has he?

22. My Dad hasn’t read the newspaper yet, … didn’t they?

23. There won’t be any trouble, … was he?

24. He wasn’t at home, … will there?

25. There is little point in doing anything about it, … aren’t there?

26. Oh, there are a lot of photos in the album, … isn’t there?

27. There will be a nice film on TV tonight, … weren’t you?

28. You were lying, … won’t there?

29. It has happened before, … can they?

30. Neither your parents nor mine can lend us some money, … hasn’t it?

Задайте к выделенным словам вопросы, выбрав подходящее вопросительное местоимение.

Who How What How many

When Why What Where

1.Jack phoned Ann. 2. My phone number is 345678. 3. Janet likes spaghetti very much. 4. We can start work on Monday. 5. The last
exercise was the easiest. 6. He is looking through the mail. 7. Jane met her friends at a party. 8. She doesn’t want to dance with you. 9. He is worried about the test. 10. We have seen this film three times. 11. My friend’s family has got a flat on the sixth floor. 12. It isn’t cold in England in the winter. 13. We are going to the cinema tonight. 14. Jack was upset because he wasn’t invited to the party. 15. The weather is fine today. 16. I would like to listen to the radio. 17. We went on an excursion by bus. 18. I borrowed money from my friends. 19. She often tells me about her work. 20. I last went on business to Paris in August.

8. Задайте к предложениям общий, альтернативный, специальные и разделительный вопросы.

1. My friend works at the plant. 2.He speaks English well. 3. Every day our manager has business talks. 4. My children are pupils. 5. We have English lessons every week. 6. Our telephone is on the desk. 7. They have got offices in different cities. 8. After breakfast my wife and I go to the Ministry. 9. Her daughter has a two-room flat in Petersburg. 10. Her parents teach the French language at the University. 11. We have many offers from German firms. 12. We get a lot of letters and cables every morning. 13. My sister’s children are students. 14. The engineers of our plant can speak two foreign languages. 15. Mr White discusses a lot of problems during the talks.

Заполните пропуски предлогами или наречиями. Задайте вопросы к тексту.

My friend and I work at a firm. We are economists. The economists...our firm learn foreign languages. My friend learns German. He knows English quite well. I learn English. We go... our lessons...Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.... the lessons we answer the teacher’s questions and read English. We do not speak Russian... our teacher... the lessons.... home we translate exercises... Russian... English and learn words.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1891 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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