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Заполните пропуски возвратными и эмфатическими местоимениями

1. John, be careful! Don’t hurt … with the hammer. 2. Children, help … to sweets and juice. 3. We didn’t know who that man was. He hadn’t introduced … 4. All my friends enjoyed … at my birthday party. 5. When do you feel … glad? 6. When my sister was making a pudding she burnt … on the oven. 7. It is convenient to have an automatic cooker. It turns … on and off. 8. Relax … when you dance. 9. My father always repairs his car …. 10. My grandparents grow their vegetables …. 11. Take the towel and dry …. It’s windy, you may catch cold. 12. We usually paint the house …. 13. His mother never cleans the windows in their house …. 14. We haven’t decided yet where we’d meet... 15. Look at the kitten. It’s washing …. 16. He got up, washed …, shaved …, dressed … and left the house without disturbing anyone. 17. I often talk to … when I’m alone. 18. If you don’t want to make mistakes in your work, you should concentrate …. 19. Who went with her? – Nobody. She went by …. 20. Little Alice is only two, but she can dress …. 21. Do you wash your clothes … or does somebody else do it for you? 22. I believe we’ll be able to eliminate these defects.... 23. If Mr. N. comes to our office tomorrow, I’ll speak to him... 24. They... want to test the equipment. 25. We... are not pleased with the results of the test. 26. The motor... meets all our technical requirements but we’d like you to change the insulation. 27. The sellers decided to improve the design of the machine.... 28. Who usually arranges your visit to foreign firms if you can’t do it...? 29. Does the director of your firm sign contracts with foreign partners... or does your president sometimes do it?
30. I haven’t seen the Chief Engineer..., but I’ve spoken to the inspector. 31 I’d like you to check the prices only. We’ll do the rest....

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 2422 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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