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He usually shaves at 7, but today he … at 8.

He usually shaves at 7, but today he is shaving at 8.

1. I usually drink tea in the morning, but this morning I … coffee. 2. They usually play in the garden in the afternoon, but this afternoon they … in the park. 3. She usually washes the dishes at night, but tonight she … clothes. 4. He usually reads his newspaper at night, but tonight he … a book. 5. She usually drinks tea alone, but today she … tea together with her friends. 6. They usually leave at 5, but today they … at 4. 7. He usually types his letters, but today his secretary … them.

They don’t usually walk to work.

Then why are they walking to work today?

1. He doesn't usually write with his left hand. 2. He doesn't usually lunch alone. 3. She doesn't usually stand by the window. 4. You don't usually sit with your feet on the desk. 5. We don't usually use calculators. 6. She doesn't usually criticize us. 7. She doesn't usually bring the tea round. 8. I don't usually make a fuss about nothing.

11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме Present Continuous Tense.

1. She (not work), she (swim) in the river. 2. He (teach) his son to ride. 3 Why Ann (not wear) her new dress? 4. The aeroplane (fly) at 2,000 metres. 5. What Tom (do) now? – He (clean) his shoes. 6. This fire (go) out. Somebody (bring) more coal? 7. It (rain)? – Yes, it (rain) very hard. You can’t go out yet. 8. You (not tell) the truth. – How do you know that I (not tell) the truth? 9. Who (move) the furniture about upstairs? – It’s Tom. He (paint) the front room. 10. Mrs. Jones (sweep) the steps outside her house. 11. What you (read) now? – I (read) “Crime and Punishment”. 13. Someone (knock) at the door. You (not go) to answer it? – I (go) in a minute. I just (get) out of my bath. 14. My mother doesn’t usually make cakes on Mondays, but she (make) one today as my aunt (come) to tea tomorrow. 15. Where is Tom? – He (lie) under the car. 16. Can I borrow your pen or you (use) it at the moment? 17. Why you (type) so fast? You (make) a lot of mistakes. 18. You can’t see Ann because she (rest) She always rests after lunch.19. The children are very quiet. Go and see what they (do). 20. I can’t hear what you (say). They (repair) the road.

12. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous).

1. You can’t see Tom now: he (have) a bath. 2. I won’t go out now as it (rain) and I (not to have) an umbrella. 3. The last train (leave) the station at 11.30. 4. He usually (speak) so quickly that I (not to understand) him. 5. I (wear) my sun-glasses today because the sun is very strong. 6. Tom can’t have the newspaper now because his aunt (read) it. 7. How you (get) to work as a rule? - I usually (go) by bus. 8. Why you (put) on your coat? - I (go) for a walk. 9. Tom and Jack (have) a long conversation. I wonder what they (talk) about. 10. Why you (walk) so fast today? You usually (walk) quite slowly. 11. Tom never (do) any work in the garden; he always (work) on his car. What he (do) to his car now? - I (think) he (polish) it. 12. Cuckoos (not build) nests. They (use) the nests of other birds. 13. He usually (drink) coffee but today he (drink) tea. 14. What she (do) in the evenings? – She usually (watch) TV. 15. Ann (make) a dress for herself at the moment. She (make) all her own clothes. 16. I can’t answer the phone now as I (paper) the sitting-room walls. 17. I always (buy) lottery tickets but I never (win) anything. 18. You always (write) with your left hand? 19. He never (listen) to what you say. 20. Stop! You (not see) the notice? – I (see) it but I can’t read it because I (not wear) my glasses. What it (say)?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1091 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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