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1. This newspaper is old. Give me... one. 2. We must meet Mr. Camp, Mr. Flint and two... businessmen today. 3. We usually discuss terms of payment, delivery and... terms with foreign businessmen. 4. Three of our engineers are in.... ones are out. 5. Flink and Company cannot sell us power equipment. We must send an enquiry for power equipment to... firm. 6. Here are five catalogues of chemical equipment. I can go through these two catalogues, and you must read... ones. 7. Our office does business with Great Britain, France, Germany and many... countries. 8. Here are two cables. One of them is from Watson and... one is from Kent and Co. 9. Of the two irons I have on is burnt, and … is out of order too. 10. Some people like summer best, some like spring or autumn, … prefer winter. 11. I’ve got two TV-sets. One is in the living-room, and … is in the kitchen. 12. What … questions have you got? 13. Two of the five children studied music, … went in for sports. 14. This bag is too small, I’d like to buy … one. 15. What … stories by this writer have you read? 16. There are seven students in this group. Two are from China, … are from Vietnam. 17. I bought two pens yesterday. One is here, and where is …? 18. I couldn’t reserve a room at this hotel. Let’s phone …. 19. Some London streets are crowded and noisy, but … are very quiet. 20. There were three short films in the cinema programme. One was very interesting and … were boring. 21. When Tom arrived at the airport some people were checking in for the flight, while … were getting on the plane. 22. I didn’t like the book the girl offered me and asked her to show me …

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1098 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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