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Match the words to the definitions. Decide if the word has a negative, positive or neutral connotation

1) skinny weighing less than is expected or usual negative / positive / neutral
2) underweight weighing too much because you have too much flesh on your body negative / positive / neutral
3) thin too heavy and fat negative / positive / neutral
4) bonny having little fat on your body negative / positive / neutral
5) plump slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way negative / positive / neutral
6) stocky gracefully thin negative / positive / neutral
7) fat attractively thin negative / positive / neutral
8) overweight short, heavy and looking strong negative / positive / neutral
9) slim very thin, especially in a way that is unattractive negative / positive / neutral
10) slender pretty and healthy negative / positive / neutral

Insert the missing words. Learn the words by heart.

well-built slender fat stocky anorexic

a bit overweight skinny thin slim

1) The word ___________________ may sound impolite. Instead we often say ___________________. If someone is broad and solid, we can refer to them as ___________________. A person with good muscles can be ___________________ or muscular. If someone is terribly thin and refuses to eat, they may be ___________________.

2) ___________________ is a general word meaning that someone has little fat on their body. It is usually, but not always, disapproving. ___________________ means thin in an attractive way. ___________________ is a fairly informal word meaning very thin, and usually sounds negative. ___________________ means delicate in build and graceful.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 564 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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