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Insert prepositions where necessary

1) _____ my mind, you shouldn’t be charmed _____ his manners and words.

2) ‘We are going to put _____ a comedy’, she cried _____ a happy voice.

3) All the musicians _____ the orchestra pit were looking _____ the conductor.

4) I can’t refuse _____ your invitation, I’m fond _____ opera.

5) I’ve never had seats _____ the balcony.

6) Jasmine paid no attention _____ the song that George sang.

7) Jugglers come after the acrobats _____ the programme.

8) Julia saw Mr Collodi’s smile and fell _____ love _____ him _____ first sight.

9) Lisa, you’re going to be late _____ the concert.

10) Nelly, if you haven’t got anything special _____ tonight, what about going _____ the theatre?

11) Nobody will ever take better care _____ you than your Mum.

12) The whole cast hid themselves _____ the wings admiring _____the old master’s performance.

13) There are only detective stories _____ the repertoire _____ this teatre.

14) There were several curtain calls _____ the leading actor.

15) This season we are busy ____ three new productions.

16) With the last accord the audience rose _____ their feet and applauded _____ the ballet dancers.

Insert articles where necessary.


_____ Last week I went to _____ theatre. I had _____ very good seat. _____ play was very interesting. But I did not enjoy it. _____ young man and _____ young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly and I got very angry. I could not here _____ actors. I turned _____ round. I looked at _____ man and _____ woman angrily. They did not pay _____ any attention. In _____ end, I could not bear it. ‘I can’t hear _____ word!’ I said angrily.

‘It’s none of your _____ business,’ _____ young man said impolitely. ‘This is _____ private conversation.’


My aunt Jennifer is _____ actress. She must be at least _____ thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on _____ stage as ______ young girl. Jennifer will have to take _____ part in _____ new play soon. This time, she will be _____ girl of seventeen. In _____ play, she must appear in _____ bright red dress and _____ long black stockings. Last year in _____ another play, she had to wear _____ short socks and _____ bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, ‘My dear, it must be terrible to be _____ grown up!’


‘_____ play may begin at any moment,’ I said.

‘I’m afraid, it has begun already,’ Susan answered.

I hurried to _____ box-office. ‘May I have two tickets, please?’ I asked.

‘I’m sorry, we’ve sold out,’ _____ girl said.

‘What _____ pity!’ Susan exclaimed.

Just then, _____ man hurried in. ‘Can I return _____ tickets?’ he asked, taking them out of _____ pocket,

‘Certainly,’ _____ girl said.

I came up to _____ box-office window at once. ‘Could I have _____ two tickets, please?’ I asked.

‘Certainly,’ _____ girl said, ‘but they are for _____ performance _____ next Wednesday. Do you still want them?’

*12. Correct the mistakes.

1) At the same day, there was another first night at another theatre.

2) Every year a friend of mine, who’s a clown, presents me with two tickets for the circus for my birthday.

3) Is it difficult to act as a statue or as a died person?

4) It was such an excited moment!

5) Katie and Alex’s sits were in the middle of the row.

6) Readers expect the main characters to marry to each other but they won’t.

7) The actor was so heavily made up that I couldn’t recognize him at the first glance.

8) The comedy is consist of four acts.

9) I want the audience see that a master remains talented at any age.

10) In the cartoon Mr Fogg will marry Miss Belinda in case he will travel around the world in eighty says.

11) Mercedes saw all their productions accept one or two.

12) Are you sure, she can suit the part? Describe me the girl once again.

13) It’s typical for public people to behave like this.

14) Your voice is dull and monotonous. And you must show excitment.

15) Dennis bought tickets to the Central Music Hole for a variety show. Do you care to go there?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 799 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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