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A) Read the text and look up the unknown words in the dictionary


Most people are afraid to admit that physical appearance is important to them. They don't want to be accused of being shallow. However, are you a superficial person if you do not fall in love with someone just because you find them physically unattractive?

So let’s look at this…why do we care about appearances? Physical appearance IS a part of a person. This is a delicate question because not many people support the idea that beauty runs the world. People's relationships are about love and chemistry, about wanting the same things in life, having as many things in common as possible. Actually, there are a lot of factors involved, and they vary for each and every relationship. Sometimes looks matter, but they can never be everything. They should not be more important than being able to laugh together. On the other hand, the fact is – your relationship relies on being physically attractive to one another.

Now, when I say “physically attractive” I don’t mean that the person is necessarily ideal. I don’t mean attractive by the standard that others create. We all have our own ideas of attractiveness. For instance, one day I was walking along the street when a group of boys asked to show them the way. As I guided them one of the boys explained to me that he found attractive only girls with bangs. He claimed that the rest of the face and body were of no importance as long as the girl had bangs. I personally have never heard of anyone prioritizing a hairstyle, but as they say, “to each his own”. Bangs is what this one boy found to be attractive. I’m sure that when we start serious relations it is the personality that really matters. How long can you be with a person just because you like their hair? Also, there are many girls with bangs, so personality is going to help choose the right one.

Anyway, there are a lot of important qualities that make people click together. There's no point trying to figure out if you love someone’s heart, mind or physical beauty. All explanations seem to be incomplete.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 391 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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