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Match the words to the definitions

1) ballet a) an organization of performing actors and other people
2) box b) not large objects used on stage during a performance
3) cast c) the actor’s appearance in response to the applause of the audience
4) company d) side parts of the stage where actors stay unseen for the spectators
5) curtain call e) all the songs, pieces of music, poetry etc. that an actor, a group etc. regularly perform with
6) main character f) the set of actors in a production
7) matinee g) an afternoon performance
8) opera-glasses h) the area of downstairs seats
9) repertoire i) small binoculars through which you get a better view of the stage
10) stage props j) a journey in order to perform in different places
11) stalls k) an art form using dancing and music
12) wings l) a worker preparing the stage for a performance
13) tour m) a little private balcony with three-five seats only
14) curtain n) a large piece of cloth across the front of the stage
15) stage-hand o) the main participant of the action of the play

6. Give the word defined below.

1. an area in the theatre behind the stage close to the dressing rooms ___________

2. a higher school where students study to become professional musicians ___________

3. a line of seats side by side ___________

4. a long period of time when a play is performed regularly ___________

5. a person who directs an orchestra ___________

6. a person who shows the viewers to their seats ___________

7. a place in front of and below the stage where the orchestra plays music during the performance ___________

8. a room in the theatre where people can have a bite in the interval ___________

9. a room where a performer gets ready for the play ___________

10. a short performance given by the actor(s0) after the main performance when the spectators ask for more ___________

11. a play intended to make people laugh ___________

12. final practicing for a first night ___________

13. furniture and painted background on the stage ___________

14. the raised area in the theatre where the actors perform ___________

15. the written words of a play ___________

16. upper seats in the theatre arranged in a circle around the house ___________

*7. Complete the text using the words from the box.

action audience cast characters

company costumes curtain delighted

drama galleries lights performances

playwrights production props scenery

seats spectators speech stage

theatre to put on viewers

_____________ was a very popular kind of entertainment in England and Queen Elizabeth I enjoyed it. That’s why _____________ of all literature genres blossomed in the sixteenth century. _____________ began to pay closer attention to ordinary human _____________ in their works.

Only the players who belonged to a nobleman’s _____________ were allowed to _____________ _____________. The actors wore most beautiful _____________ received from rich people after the dresses became out-fashioned.

The _____________ of the playhouse was a raised platform surrounded from three sides by the _____________. The poorest _____________ stood watching the _____________. The aristocrats sat in the _____________ of cushioned _____________, from where they could hear, see and be seen well.

There were no _____________ – the plays ran by daylight. No _____________ separated the _____________ and the _____________. _____________ and_____________ were very scarce – much was left to the imagination or was clear from the text. The _____________ and the _____________ were very quick, but even the common people were trained listeners and were _____________ with word-play.

*8. Correct the mistakes.

1) A film star never accepts a role unless she has read the scenery of a film. _____

2) After the performance part of the audience rushed to the dressing-room for their coats.___________

3) As Max sat on the scene with the spotlight on him, it was impossible to imagine anybody more handsome._____________

4) I liked the production. Let’s call in the theatre cash-desk and buy tickets for something else.______________

5) In her last novel, the act moves between Greece and southern Spain._________

6) In July the theatre campaign is going on a worldwide tour with three productions._________

7) Jenny sat in the red plush arm-chair in the pit._______________

8) Our reporter was among the invited guests at the dress repetition.___________

9) The curtains rose and displayed a bare stage.___________

10) The show began with a long poem recited by a drama artist whose face looked familiar, but whose name was hard to remember._____________

11) The waiter said there was some mistake with the tickets and showed us to the seats in the back stalls. _______________

12) The young actor’s play impressed me very much._______________

13) There was a storm of applaud and the actors took curtain calls many times.________

14) We decided not to go to the dining-room in the interval and came down to have a closer view of the stage.____________

15) We saw ‘Carmen’ by Bizet. What an exciting ballet!

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1240 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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