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Употребите одну из форм причастия, герундия и инфинитива

а) 1. (be) a foreigner she couldn't get accustomed to our life for a long time.

2. (live) abroad for many years, he speaks English without an accent.

3. (know) everything about this' man, we couldn't trust him.

4. I didn't notice a letter (lie) on the table.

5. The article (publish) in the latest issue of the local newspaper carries an interesting information for you.

б) 1. I am sorry for (be late). 2. I enjoy (spend) my week-ends on the bank of the river near the forest (gather) berries and mushrooms. 3. Is the American screen version of the novel "War and Peace" worth (see)? 4. The student finished (discuss) the question of their (go) abroad summer but still couldn't stop (argue). 5. I can't help (feel) sorry for animals (live) in Zoo.

в) 1. (read) English books in the original is a re pleasure for me. 2. My aim is (graduate) from the University successfully and (become) a good specialist. 3. (pass) the exams well I have (work) hard during the term. 4. I am sorry (keep) you waiting. 5. I meant (to go) there but I couldn't.

г) 1. I wish (see) the manager. 2. It's no use (wait). 3. I'm looking forward to (see) you. 4. Don't forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed. 5. My mother told me (not, speak) to anyone about it. 6. He tried (explain) but she didn't want (listen). 7. Would you mind (show) me how the lift works? 8. I'm beginning (understand) what you mean. 9. The boys like (play) tennis but hate (do) lessons. 10. He surprised us all by (go) away without (say) "Goodbye". 11. Please, go on (write), I don't mind (wait). 12. The doctor advised him (give up) (smoke). 13. I prefer (drive) to (be driven). 14. I advise you (start) (look) for a job at once. 15. After (discuss) the matter for an hour the committee left without (reach) any decision. 16. Most people prefer (spend) money to (earn) it. 17. It's not good for children (eat) too many sweets.

2. Употребите одну из неличных форм: инфинитив, герундий, причастие

1. Не offered (lend) me the money. I didn't like (take) it but I had no other way out. 2. What was in the letter? I don't know. I did not want (open) it as it wasn't addressed to me. 3. Try (avoid) (be) late. He hates (be) kept (wait). 4. He heard the clock striking seven and knew it was time for him (get) up. 5. I can hear the bell (ring) but nobody seems (be coming) (open) the door. 6. Did you advise him (go) to the police? – No, I didn't like (give) any advice on such a difficult matter. 7. I'm not used to (drive) on the left. 8. It's pleasant (sit) by the fire at night and (hear) the wind (blow) outside. 9. It's no use (write) to him, he never answers letters. The only thing (do) is (go) and (see) him. 10. Ask him (come) in. Don't keep him (stand) at the door.

3. Подчеркните и определите конструкции с нелич­ными формами глагола. Переведите предложения

1. The English being conservative, many old traditions are still observed in England. 2. Their address having been lost, we couldn't write them about this news. 3. On leaving the house I saw my bus approaching and hurried not to miss it. 4. I have never heard her play the piano so wonderfully. 5. Shakespeare's works are known to be translated into many languages of the world. 6. It's for him to solve this problem. 7. Our taking part in the English conference helped us greatly to improve our knowledge of the language.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 1305 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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