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Упражнения. 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосоче­тания

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосоче­тания

а) a smiling girl, playing children, a writing boy, a fal­ling tree, a laughing baby, a sleeping man, a walking cou­ple, reading audience, a running sportsman, a developing country, a crying child, a burning house.

б) a broken cup, a translated text, an unanswered let­ter, an opened window, a closed door, an occupied room, a written letter, a fallen tree, a discussed problem, produced goods, a cooked dinner, a surprised man, lighted windows, a developed country.

2. Определите форму и функцию причастия в сле­дующих предложениях. Переведите их на русский язык

1. This is the book so much spoken about. 2. The method followed by our scientists was not simple. 3. Ha­ving found no one at home he went to his neighbours. 4. A letter lying on the table must be posted. 5. If asked he will explain you everything. 6. We came up to the crying girl to ask where her mother was. 7. I saw him working in the garden. 8. I heard the children speaking in the next room. 9. We saw an old woman coming towards us and heard her asking for help. The weather being aw­ful, I stayed at home and heard the rain beating on the windows. 11. He turned and went out, we following him. 12. She sat silent, with her eyes fixed on the ground. 13. The children were seen running to the river. 14. The flight to Moscow was heard announced. 15. The pupils were heard discussing this problem with the teacher. 16. We had our TV-set repaired yesterday. 17. I want my hair cut.

3. Преобразуйте предложения, употребив причастия в функции: а) определения; б) обстоятельства времени, причины

а) Образец: The man who is reading a book is my father.

The man reading a book is my father.

1. I took the newspaper which was lying on the table. 2. The house which is being built opposite my house is a modern nine-storeyed building. 3. The books which have been written by Picul are read with interest. 4. The pupil who is being asked by the teacher is Pavlov. 5. The car which is parked in front of the house is mine.

б) Образец: As he was busy he refused an invitation.

Being busy he refused an invitation.

1. As he was late he had to excuse himself. 2. As he had spent all his money he decided to go home. 3. When they were going home they met their teacher. 4. While he was translating the text, he wrote out new words. 5. After they had visited the museum they decided to have a cup of coffee. 6. The girl entered the room and didn't lock it.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 1913 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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