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Упражнения. 1. Определите роль союзов в следующих предложе­ниях

1. Определите роль союзов в следующих предложе­ниях

1. I arrived in New York, where I was to change trains. 2. Mark Twain wrote many short stories and novels. 3. His father died when he was twelve and the boy had to find a job. 4. He arrive in our country in 1940 and stayed there till the war broke out. 5. That she has returned home is quite natural. 6. If these people knew who I was they would help me. 7. As I was saying this my friend's smiling face appeared at the door. 8. I was walking qui­etly so that nobody could hear. 9. He is as young as his brother.

2. Опустите, где возможно, союзные слова и относи­тельные местоимения, соединяющие предложения

1. Tolstoy who is the world famous writer was born in 1828. 2. I know the girl with whom you have been dancing for two hours. 3. The car which they have bought is of the latest model. 4. Belarus goes by the time, which is three hours earlier than London's time. 5. The man whom you need has just left. 6. We visually go to the cinema which is round the corner. 7. The watch which you are looking at is wrong.

3. Соедините предложения, употребив соответст­вующие союзы и местоимения

1. My neighbour... is a doctor has moved to a new flat. 2. Do you remember the day... he arrived in Mos­cow? 3. Unfortunately, I can't remember the person... I have borrowed the pen from. 4. The man... you see at the desk is my secretary. 5. Where is the shop... sells gloves? 6. The book... you have given to me is very inter­esting. 7. The shop... we buy our food is closed. 8. Mother said to her son... he must help her about the house.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 887 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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