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Объедините следующие предложения, употребив нужную форму инфинитива

Образец: We must speak in a low voice. We don't want to wake him up.

We must speak in a low voice not to wake him up.

1. It's very cold. We can't bathe. 2. The boy is very young. He can't have a front-door key. 3. It was very dark. We couldn't see the car. 4. I sent him out of the room. I wanted to discuss his progress with the headmas­ter. 5. He sent his children to his sister's house. He wanted to have some peace. 6. Don't let the baby play with my glasses. He may break them. 7. We must take our gloves. We don't want to get frozen.

4. Употребите следующие предложения в страда­тельном залоге, изменив конструкцию

Образец: People say that he was a clever man.

It is said that he was a clever man.

He is said to be a clever man.

1. They say that tea has been brought from India. 2. Some people consider that Hamlet is the summit of Shakespeare's art. 3. They say that Nick lived on potatoes and vinegar. 4. People know that he is armed. 5. They be­lieve that he was killed at the front. 6. We expect that the expedition will reach the South Pole in May. 7. We con­sider that she was the best singer in America.

5. Преобразуйте предложения, употребив инфини­тив в функции: а) сложного дополнения, б) сложного подлежащего. Предложения переведите

а) Образец: 1. Everybody considers that he is a clever man.

Everybody considers him to be a clever man.

2. I saw as he crossed the street.

I saw him cross the street.

1. I know that she is a good teacher. 2. Everybody be­lieves that he is right. 3. I have never heard how she plays the piano. 4. The student expects that his article will be published. 5. I saw as the driver opened the window and threw a box into the bushes. 6. I felt as somebody looked at me. 7. Nobody heard as he spoke on the telephone.

б) Образец: They say that he lives in Warsaw.

He is said to live in Warsaw.

1. They say that he is one of the best doctors at the hospital. 2. People say this palace will be built in three years. 3. The newspapers report that the President will arrive in Moscow tomorrow. 4. Everybody knows him as a prominent public figure. 5. They say that paper has been invented in China. 6. We expect her to come tomorrow. 7. We know that this student works much.

6. Употребите следующие пословицы в кратких си­туациях

1. То know everything is to know nothing.

2. Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.

3. Live and let live.

4. Easy come, easy go.

5. To help is human.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 1278 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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