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Food for thought

After years of attack by health professionals in magazines, newspapers, books and TV programmes - old eating habits are finally being swept away. It is now clearly understood that good diet is linked to good health.

Eating a poor diet has been linked to a battery of illnesses. Bad eating habits can be easily followed by digestive problems, obesity and heart disease. But ill health doesn't happen overnight. It can take many years to develop, often with no outward signs. But the good news is that unwanted diseases can be prevented by changing to a healthier diet and lifestyle.

And opting for a healthy diet need not to be hard work, a few simple changes can soon put you on the right road:

- The total amount of fat you eat should be reduced. Eat more fresh fish, lean meat and poultry, rather than high fat foods such as sausages and burgers.

- Your intake of fibre rich starchy foods should be increased. Eat more whole meal bread and pasta, baked jacket potatoes, high fibre breakfast cereals.

- Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables - at least five portions a day.

- Cut down on eating sugary foods such as cakes, puddings and sweets.

- Limit the quantity of salt you take by using less in cooking and at the table.

- Take regular exercise.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 612 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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