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Choose the best word(s) from each pair in bold to complete the sentence

1. Since the 19th century, IQ tests have been the primary/virtually source for measuring human intelligence.

2. Listening to, and participating in music creates new neural pathways in your brain that encourage/stimulate creativity.

3. It is well established that our brain wave frequencies change with our cognitive abilities/mental states and vice-versa.

4. IQ has been shown to increase/to expand with more schooling, better educated parents and better toys.

5. Wine drinkers to some extent/on average have a higher IQ than beer drinkers.

6. It is widely agreed that standardized tests cannot measure all forms of intelligence including creativity, wisdom, practical sense and social sensitivity/sensibility.

7. The smell of rosemary is said to enhance mental action/performance.

8. IQ score/grade presents one of the most feasible and reliable barometers for grading/appreciating the intellectual horsepower of people.

9. Traits often associated with genius include/contain strong individuality, imagination, uniqueness, and innovative drive.

10. Reading newspapers or surfing on / wandering in the Internet is much more stimulating than watching television.

11. A message for action moves/travels from your brain to your muscles as fast as 250 miles per hour.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 665 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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