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GRAMMAR. Grammar Revision: Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions

Grammar Revision: Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions

Exercise 3. Choose the correct particle or preposition.

1. Many adult children continue to live with their parents because of a tradition of caring __________ parents in their old age.

a) for

b) about

2. Japanese people vary their language depending __________ situations and conversational partners.

a) from

b) on

3. Many women do not want to give ___________ work when they have children.

a) up

b) out

4. The single most important thing to be aware of when visiting the UK for the first time is the sheer diversity of cultures that you will come __________.

a) across

b) up with

5. Australians are usually very interested ___________ hearing about other places and cultures.

a) in

b) of

6. ___________ visitors, the German sense of humour can be baffling __________first.

a) For … at

b) With... --

7. In Germany you ought to get to work __________ time; punctuality means honesty.

a) in

b) on

8. A good way to break the ice in France is to talk about things that France is known __________ abroad.

a) about

b) for

9. Non-verbal communication is made __________ of four main categories: kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage and chronemics.

a) up

b) out

10. Different cultures can take significantly different approaches __________ personal space, and a lack of cultural understanding can make some individuals uncomfortable and insult others.

a) to

b) for

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