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GRAMMAR. Grammar Revision: Modal Verbs

Grammar Revision: Modal Verbs

Exercise 4. Using online grammar reference resources (for example http://www.englishelp.ru ) revise how to use modal verbs. You can use the following link: http://www.englishelp.ru/learn-english/grammar/12-modal-verbs-table.html

Exercise 5. Choose the correct modal verb.

1.There really (must / ought) to be a word “linguaculture” because language and culture are tied together.

2. You sometimes (must / have to) translate concepts with very different words for the people in another culture.

3. The Chinese language helps people to visualize whereabouts they (must / should) be in the society and how they (must / should) behave.

4. Why (should / need) language tell us anything about a particular culture?

5. What do we (need / must) to learn to be able to communicate better with people from other cultures and so become ‘interculturally competent”?

6. We (can / may) still communicate with people from other cultures despite linguistic and cultural differences.

7. Language experts believed that you (were allowed to / could) say exactly the same thing in two different languages just by accurately translating the vocabulary and the grammar.

8. Accurately translating words from one language to another (may / can) not be enough to understand the cultural meaning.

9. We (may have / may have had) a few ideas about what ‘foreigners’ are like, but are these ideas based on truth, or are they just stereotypes?

10. We (could get/ could have got) a good idea of what a culture is like by looking at the things that people produce, the way they behave, and the way they see the world.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 720 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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