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GRAMMAR. Grammar Revision: Pronouns

Grammar Revision: Pronouns

Exercise 4. Using online grammar reference resources (for example http://www.englishelp.ru ) read about pronouns. You can use the following links:









Exercise 5. Choose the correct pronoun.

1. The individualism/collectivism dimension refers to the relationship between any individual in a society to __________ group in that society.

a) some

b) any

c) such

2. In general, Finns are not very good at "small talk" and __________ has to accept that silence doesn't necessarily mean that the conversation has stopped.

a) you

b) one

c) somebody

3. The individualistic modern industrial world seems to be influencing the character of __________ collective cultures.

a) some

b) any

c) each

4. If you are talking to a group, make eye contact with __________ people, and do not focus your attention on one person alone.

a) all

b) any

c) each

5. Canadians and UK citizens have similar preferences regarding personal space, the use of eye contact, and whether or not to touch __________ while speaking to __________.

a) anyone, him

b) each other, other

c) someone, them

6. Public display of emotions is __________ that is on the increase in the UK, though still it is better to err on the side of caution here.

a) anything

b) someone

c) something

7. __________ people in the UK are monarchists while __________ feel the monarchy is an anachronism.

a) Some, others

b) Many, other

c) few, a few

8. Breaking the ice before a business meeting is a good idea and will make __________ more comfortable and able to talk freely.

a) both

b) everyone

c) somebody

9. As a general rule, the British would keep emotions hidden from public view as they can make __________ uncomfortable.

a) other

b) others

c) another

10. In the USA relations between different ethnic communities differ from one state or city to __________.

a) others

b) other

c) another

Exercise 6. Using the Internet resource http://www.amazon.com find a book Intercultural Communication by Everett M. Rogers, Thomas M. Steinfatt. From the Glossary in this book (pp. 265-269) write down the definitions of the following terms:

Acculturation – ________________________________________________

Code– _______________________________________________________

Collectivistic culture– ___________________________________________


Culture– _____________________________________________________

Diversity– ____________________________________________________

Ethnocentrism– _______________________________________________

High-context culture– __________________________________________

Individualistic culture– _________________________________________

Intercultural communication– ____________________________________

Low-context culture– ___________________________________________

Nonverbal communication– ______________________________________

Stereotype– ___________________________________________________

Values – ______________________________________________________

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 724 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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