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Individualist and Collectivist Cultures (II)

Exercise 1. There are two different types of cultures - where the individual is seen as central – individualist cultures – and those where the group is the most important unit – collectivist cultures. Listen to Part 8 of the series about culture which deals with the difference between these cultures. Use the following link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/webcast/tae_whoonearth_archive.shtml )

Exercise 2. Complete the table with the key words and phrases from the text.

Independent, dependent on one another, personal happiness, value autonomy, the norms, the duties, the obligations of the group, freedom and choice, self-sufficiency, equality, education and affluence, social and geographic mobility, media output of films and television shows, personal achievement, family values, security, good social relationships, a globalised society, hierarchy, respect for elders, to be in charge of their own lives, social obligations, the dominant type of behaviour

1. Individualist Societies:    
2. Collectivist Societies:    
3. Individualistic Culture Values:    
4. Collectivist(ic) Culture Values:  
5. The USA Influence:    

Exercise 3. Listen again. In pairs take turns to answer the questions.

1. What is an individualist society?

2. Can you give a definition to the collectivist society?

3. What are the values of individualistic cultures?

4. What are the values of collectivist(ic) cultures?

5. What is the attitude to religion in India?

6. What plays a great importance in Chinese culture?

7. What is a huge problem in Britain?

8. Why do American norms and values influence other cultures?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 651 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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