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Social Etiquette in England

By Theresa Pickett

Safe topics of small talk conversation include food and animals. You can also discuss film, books, music, television and the arts. Many British people, particularly men, like holding conversations about soccer. Jobs and cars are also appropriate topics. Refrain from discussing private issues including a person's age. Never under any circumstances criticize British food or culture. British people might not find it funny at all!

A typical tip for waiters in restaurants is about 10 percent of the bill. Some restaurants add the tip to the bill, which means you might want to check the receipt or menu before adding an additional tip. Travellers typically leave a 10 percent tip for taxi drivers. Leaving a small tip for hairdressers and porters at hotels is customary.

English business professionals typically dress conservatively. For instance, men should wear dark suits to business meetings. They should not have on shirts that have pockets. Women can dress in shirts that are not low cut and skirts that are not high on the thigh.

Privacy is important to English people. If you are visiting England, you should refrain from asking about personal topics. Avoiding staring at people--they consider staring to be invasive, and they rarely keep eye contact during conversations.

If you are a business person travelling to England, you should refrain from rushing your British colleagues into decisions. They typically make decisions slowly, and they won't be hurried based on your impatience.

from http://www.ehow.com/

Exercise 6. Complete the table with the key words and phrases from the article.

Small Talk:  
Tipping etiquette:  
Dressing etiquette:  

Exercise 7. Summarise the information from the article with the help of the key words and phrases in the table.

Exercise 7. Using the Internet resource http://www.amazon.com find a book Culture Shock! Britain: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette by Terry Tan. Do the Culture Quiz (pp. 286-289). Read the comments to check your answers.

Exercise 8. In the same book read the Do's and Don'ts of the etiquette in Britain (pp. 292-295). Are the statements true or false?

1. You must help handicapped people without asking and being asked.

2. You should inform your neighbours if you are going to have a party with dance and music.

3. You can ask personal questions when meeting someone for the first time.

4. You can ask the price of the things in someone else's home. It shows that you appreciate the item.

5. It is OK to engage bus drivers in conversation.

6. It is inappropriate to speak loudly on your mobile, especially on trains and buses.

7. The British burn garden rubbish before 7 pm.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 683 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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