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Ex. 5 Complete the following sentences, using the information from Texts 1-3

1. The British Parliament consists of…

2. New Bills are introduced and debated in …

3. If a Bill is passed it is…

4. The duration of Parliament is …

5. The main functions of Parliament are …

6. The head of state is …

7. The government is chosen from …

8. The Cabinet is responsible for …

9.The important government departments are …

10.The leader of the majority party is …

Ex.6 Choose the right word or word-combination.

1. The Queen’s ministers form the Executive… of Britain.

a) Cabinet b) Government c)Parliament

2. The Prime Minister is the Head of….

a) The House of Commons b) the Government c) Parliament

3. The Government is chosen from….

a) members of the Houses b) the majority party c) the junior ministers

4. The Cabinet is responsible for…

a) the election of officials/ministers b) the conduct of government policy

c) introducing new laws

5. A bill becomes an Act of Parliament, a law, when….

a) it is approved by the House of Lords b) the monarch signs it c) the members of the House of Commons introduce it

Ex.7 Match the terms to definitions.

a) Speaker b) executive branch c) Lord Speaker d) judicial branch e) legislative branch f) g)Blackrode   1. the branch of power having primary power to make laws 2. the branch of power having function to enforce laws 3. the branch of power represented by all the judges 4. the chairperson of the House of Lords 5. the chairperson of the House of Commons 6. a person who takes part in the ceremony of the opening of Parliament

Ex. 8 Speaking. Find additional information in Internet and make short report about the political system of Great Britain.

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