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Ex.12 Grammar Focus 12. The Passive Voice (Revision). The Future Simple


Positive Negative Question
10,000 cars will be produced next year. The cars won’t be sold in the UK. Will he be sent to a business trip?|

b) Open the brackets. Use the Future Simple Tense.

Model: They say the Russian capital... to the East (to move).

They say the Russian capital will be moved to the East.

1. The Russian language … as the national language in all the republics (to use).

2. We hope that more and more people … in agriculture of our country (to engage).

3. The time of the President's service … to two terms (to limit).

4. Governors of the regions … but not … (to elect, to appoint).

5. The diplomatic representatives … by the President (to appoint).

6. The state of emergency … by the President in case of war (to introduce).

7. The duties of the President … because of impeachment (to stop).

8. Military forces … outside the country without the approval of the President (to use).

9. The appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General and judges of the Supreme Court … by the federation Council (to consider).

Ex. 13 Choose the correct form of the verb.

1.The objectives of internal and external policy determine/are determined by the President.

2. State power exercise/is exercised by the three independent branches.

3. Its own official language use/is used in every autonomous republic, but Russian speak/is spoken and study/is studied as the second language.

4. Christianity confess/is confessed by the majority of the Russian citizens.

5. The territory of the Russian federation divides/is divided into eleven climatic zones.

6. Europe and Asia separate/is separated by the Ural mountains.

7. Deposits of oil, gas, coal include/are included in natural resources.

8. Russian uses/is used for intercommunication between the former Soviet Union republics.

9. Industry in which raw materials turns/is turned into finished products is the second sector of our economy.

10. The duties of the President to define/are defined in the Constitution.

Ex. 14 Say whether the statements are true or false. If they are false, correct the sentences:

1. The RF is a federal republic.

2. The President is elected for a five-year term.

3. Electorate is the body of citizens having the right to vote in the elections.

4. The power is divided into two branches.

5. The elections in Russia are obligatory.

Ex. 15 Speaking:

1. Speak about the powers of the President.

2. Find interesting information from the biography of the acting president.

3. Compare the powers of the RF President and the British monarch.

Ex. 16 Guess the meaning of the following international words:

amnesty, budget, committee, competence, federal, federation, financial, impeachment, ratification, regulation, session, the status of war.

Ex. 17 Match these words and word combinations with the Russian equivalents:

1. committee a) Совет Безопасности
2. commission b) Федеральное Собрание
3. the Federal Assembly c) Генеральный прокурор
4. supreme body d) заместитель председателя
5. the Prosecutor General e) Совет Федерации
6. the Federation Council f) Совет Министров
7. the deputy Chairman g) комиссия
8. the Council of Ministers h) комитет
9. the Accounts Chamber i) Счётная палата
10. the Security Council j) верховная власть

Text 4

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