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Ex. 9 Grammar Focus 10. Degrees of Comparison


  Adjective Comparative Superlative
Односложные прилагательные. Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на гласную и согласную буквы, удваивают согласную букву. old safe big hot older safer bigger hotter the oldest the safest the biggest the hottest
Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -y noisy dirty noisier dirtier the noisiest the dirtiest
Прилагательные с двумя или более слогами boring beautiful more boring more beautiful the mostboring the most beautiful
Исключения good bad far better worse further the best the worst the furthest

Мы используем than после прилагательных в сравнительной степени (older than… more expensive than…):

- Athens is older than Rome.

Мы говорим… than me/than him/than her/than us/than them:

- I can run faster than him. Or I can run faster than he can.

More/less than…

- The film was very short – less than an hour.

As … as…

- He is as old as me.

Not as … as …:

- Rome is not as old as Athens.

Not as much as …/not as many as …

- I don’t know as many people as you.

b) Change adjectives according to the model.

Model: small - smaller – the smallest

important – more important – the most important

1. large, cold, big, long, deep, pure, new, few, huge.

2. independent, famous, beautiful, charming, serious.

3. many, good, bad, little.

c) Answer the questions according to the model.

Model: Which is longer: a mile or a kilometer? A mile is. A mile is longer than a kilometer.

1. Which is longer: an hour or a minute?

2. Which is higher: a mountain or a hill?

3. Which is bigger: a ship or a bus?

4. Which is more difficult: to go on foot or to go by train?

5. Which is more convenient: to ride a horse or to go by Cadillac?

Ex. 10 Ask you group mates the following questions and write down the answers and report to the class.

Model: Which do you like better: travelling by car or on foot?

I like travelling on car better.

1. Which do you like better: fish or meat?

2. What do you like better: summer or winter?

3. Which do you like better: tea or coffee?

4. Which seasons do you like best of all?

5. Which of the fruits do you like best?

Ex. 11 Open the brackets to use adjectives in a proper degree.

Model: Olga is (young) than Maria.

Olga is younger than Maria.

1. February is (cold) than March.

2. Lake Baikal is (deep) than this lake.

3. Peter is (tall) than Boris.

4. The Volga is (long) than the Ob.

5. Russia is (large) than Great Britain.

6. The Russian language is (difficult) than the English language.

Ex. 12 Speaking. Answer the questions.

1. Which country is bigger, France or England (Spain or Italy, Sweden or Denmark, Holland or Finland)?

2. Which sea is deeper, the Black Sea or the Azov Sea?

3. Which city is older, Moscow, St. Petersburg (London or Washington)?

4. Which is the best time for a holiday? Which is the worst?

5. Which month is shorter, June or July?

6. Which is the hottest season of the year, and which is the coldest?

Ex. 13 Find sentences with the adjectives in the superlative degree in the text about Russia, read and translate them. Give the nominative and the comparative degrees.

Ex.14 Grammar Focus 11. The Passive Voice (Revision)

The Present Simple form: Am/is/are + -ed (past participle).

Positive Negative Question
English is spoken all over the world. Coffee isn’t grown in England. Where is rice grown?

Use the verb in the correct form of the Passive Voice to complete the sentences.

Model: Russia (to wash) by three oceans.

Russia is washed by three oceans.

1. The territory of Russia (to divide into) 11 climatic zones.

2. Asia (to separate from) Europe by the Ural Mountains.

3. Many people (to engage in) agriculture.

4. Many regions of Siberia and Far East (to be situated) in permafrost zone.

5. More than one hundred languages (to speak) in the country.

6. Russian (to write) in the Cyrillic script.

7. Natural resources (to concentrate) in Siberia and the Far East.

8. Most of the defense industrial base (to inherit) from the Soviet Union.

Text 3

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