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Did You Know?

• Russia is on two continents – Europe and Asia. But only 20% of Russia is in Europe.

• Russia has a population of 147 million people.

•Almost four times as many people live in cities as in villages. The 12 biggest cities have a population of over 1 million people each.

• Russian people are not always a Slavic type. They do not all have blue eyes and fair hair. Russian people may look like Spaniards, Greeks, Jews, Turks, Koreans or Mongolians.

• Russian people are part of a big community of more than 100 nations and ethnic groups. There are Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Chuvash, Bashkir, Belarusians and Mordovins, and others.

• Everyone in Russia speaks Russian as the official language. Local languages are very important too. Children study them at school.

• There are five main religions in Russia. Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists live side by side all over the country.

Ex. 15 Say whether the statements are true or false. If they are false, correct the sentence:

1. The population of Russia is 140 million people.

2. There are 90 nations and ethnic groups in Russia.

3. Russian is the official language of the Russian Federation.

4. There are more than five main religions in Russia.

5. Children do not study local languages at school.

Ex. 16 Prove that:

1. The Russian federation is the largest country of the world.

2. Russia is connected with the Atlantic Ocean.

3. Our country is washed by three oceans.

4. There is a natural border between Europe and Asia.

5. There are various types of climate.

Ex. 17 Find additional information in Internet and make short reports about Russia and its people.

Ex. 18 Answer the questions to make up a story about any English-speaking country (the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand).

1. What other names are given to the country?

2. Where is the country situated?

3. What languages are spoken in the country?

4. How many states or territories or provinces are included into the country?

5. What seas and oceans is the country washed by?

6. What natural resources can be found in the country?

7. What industries are developed in the country?

8. What agrarian products are produced in the country?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 468 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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