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You’re quite ambitious, but you don’t want to work hard!

Over 100 You’re very ambitious! Good luck, and try to be nice to people…

Ex. 45 Speaking. Give your opinion and reasons on one of the questions using phrases for giving opinions:

In my opinion,...

To my mind,...

As far as I am concerned,...

From my point of view,...

I would say that...

It seems to me that...

I have the feeling that

It goes without saying that...

1. What is a happy family in your opinion? Why?

2. Is it good or bad to be the only child in the family? Why?

3. Do you think that children should follow their parents’ advice in any situation? Why?

4. Has the standard of living changed in Russia? Give some examples.

5. Household duties (cleaning, washing up…) are relaxing and give us pleasure. Do you agree?

6. There are only advantages of being famous. Do you agree?

Ex. 46 Writing. Write a short biography of a famous person according to the model.


A.F. Kony, the famous Russian lawyer, an outstanding judicial orator, a great admirer of Russian literature, was born on the 10th of February, 1844 in St. Petersburg. His father was an outstanding dramatic critic, and his mother was an actress and a writer.

In 1865 he graduated from Law faculty of the Moscow University. From the first years of his work he saw the injustice of the judicial system. Occupying different posts he studied the history of the criminal proceeding in Russia and in Europe and published some works on these problems. Under his chairmanship, the Petersburg court was the first to pronounce a non-guilty verdict in the case of Vera Zasulich. After the 1917 takeover Kony took an active part in the cultural and educational work. He died in September 1927.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 772 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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