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My Family. Family is central to the life of all people, I believe

Pre-reading task: Read the text and get ready to say how your family traditions are different from those in the text.

Family is central to the life of all people, I believe. It is the most precious thing for me, because this is where I find love and understanding, and support.

Our family is quite large by modern standards. It consists of four people - my parents, my younger sister and me. My parents are quite young, about 40, and my sister is two years younger than me. My father is a computer programmer. He spends most of his time at work, so the time when he is home in the evening is something special for my sister and me. He always has something interesting to tell us, we share our problems and secrets with him, and he often gives very good advice. My mother is a children's doctor, and she has more time to spare than my father. There's often a lot to do about the house, but we are always willing to help with the chores, and everything is done quickly and efficiently. The only thing that mother likes to do herself is cooking, though even here we help by peeling potatoes, cutting vegetables, and so on.

Most of all I like our late dinners or early suppers, when we all gather round the table, and the light of the kitchen lamp creates a relaxed and cozy atmosphere. We talk, and joke, and have fun, because we are all friends. Of course, sometimes we have our problems, but they are easily solved by joint efforts.

Sundays are also very nice, if the weather is fine, we go skiing in the park in winter, or to our 'dacha' in summer. In fact, it's just a small cottage on a small plot of land, but v/e like it a lot, and like to work in the garden, planting, digging, gathering strawberries and tomatoes.

That’s about all. I am happy to have such a loving and supportive family, and when I have a family of my own, I will try to make it work on the same lines.

Ex. 39 Grammar Focus 5. A verb + -ing

Complete the sentences with a verb + ing. Mind the spelling.

Model: to take – taking

to stop – stopping

to travel – travelling

to lie – lying

Chat, wash up (2), put, leave, help, go shopping (2), read, sing

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 659 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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