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My Family's Likes and Dislikes

My busy Dad likes (1)_____his books and papers everywhere. Mum hates (2)_____them away in the right places. But what Mum really hates is (3)_____after meals. My sister Kate likes (4)_____Mum about the house. She doesn't mind (5)_____. Kate likes (6)_____ when she helps about the house. Kate hates (7)_____ in bad weather. She enjoys (8)_____ fairy tales. I like (9)_____whether the weather is bad or whether the weather is fine. We all like (10)_____about daily events before going to bed.

Section III


Ex. 40 Look at the word snake. How many different jobs can you find?


Ex. 41 Complete the following quotes with one of the verbs in the box. Match each quote with a job in Ex. 40.

have make run spend take

a) “I _____ a living by telling people how to invest their money.”

b) “I didn’t have to _____ any exams to get this job. It’s noisy, smelly and very badly paid.”

c) “Sometimes I have to _____ very difficult decisions about whether or not to operate.”

d) “I _____ all my time on the telephone. Sometimes I can _____ over three hundred phone calls a day.”

e) “I can’t _____ a day off during the weekend: Saturdays and Sundays are our busiest days.”

f) “The most important objective when you _____ a business is to _____ a profit. Nothing else matters.”

g) “You can _____ a lot of money if you have a hit single. Unfortunately, straight after our first hit we split up.”

Ex. 42 Work together as a class. Write up the names of all the jobs that you, your parents and your grandparents have done.

Ex. 43 Discuss the following questions.

a) In which job can you earn the most money?

b) In which job do you get the most days of paid holidays?

c) Which job do you have to study longest for?

d) In which job do you get the most training?

e) Which job is the most stressful?

f) Which job is the most useful to society?

Ex. 44 Answer the questions of the questionnaire:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 662 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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