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Ex. 33 Language Focus. Showing (dis)agreement

A) Formulas of Agreement.

1. You are right. – Вы правы.

2. Quite so. – Совершенно верно.

3. Quite agree with you. – Совершенно согласен с вами.

4. I’m of the same opinion. – И я того же мнения.

Formulas of disagreement

1. You are wrong. – Вы не правы.

2. You are mistaken. – Вы ошибаетесь.

3. Far from it. – Отнюдь нет. Ничуть.

4. Nothing of the kind. – Далеко не так.

Introductory phrases

1. I suppose… - Я полагаю, …

2. I think… - Я думаю (считаю, полагаю), …

3. As far as I know… - Насколько я знаю, …

4. As far as I remember… - Насколько я помню, …

b) Agree or disagree with the following statements about Pavlov using formulas of agreement and disagreement, and introductory phrases.

Model: Pavlov started school at the age of 6.

That is not so. As far as I remember, he started school at the age of seven.

1. Pavlov continued his parents’ career.

2. He is very busy during the week.

3. He is an early riser.

4. Pavlov adores sports.

5. Sport makes people more organized.

6. He loves jazz.

Ex. 34 Answer the following questions about yourself:

1. What’s your name?

2. How old are you?

3. When and where were you born?

4. What are your parents by profession?

5. Is your family large or small?

6. How many are you in the family?

7. Where do your parents work?

8. Have you got any brothers or sisters? How old are they? What do they do?

9. What were your favorite subjects at school?

10. Why did you decide to enter the Law Academy?

Text 3


Most of the people have hobbies. Some of them collect stamps, dolls, postcards, cars and what not. Others have a passion for music, painting, dancing and so on. A hobby can help you become a harmoniously developed person, be always in high spirits, and enrich you inner world.

An interesting activity, which gives you pleasure and joy, may become your second occupation. A successfully chosen hobby helps you to distract your thoughts from work, everyday cares and duties. Moreover, a hobby gives you the sense of fullness of life.

The forms of a hobby may vary. It's quite natural, especially for citizens of towns and cities, to enjoy contacts with nature. The most fascinating hobby may be walking, gardening, fishing, and hunting. Collecting things is also a widespread hobby. The objects of collecting may be rare books, postcards, stamps and so on. It should be noted that collecting is not an idle and useless pastime, as many persons think, but it is a very useful and fascinating activity.

Some people prefer active entertainment and enjoyment and not passive one. They like different kinds of sports such as skiing, swimming, playing volleyball. Reading is the activity that gives people knowledge and teaches them to live.

People in other countries may have hobbies which may seem exotic to us, for example scuba diving, bungee jumping, snorkeling and bird watching.

Hobby is of great importance to the life of people. It brings you happiness and intense satisfaction.

Ex. 35 Language Focus. Link words, likes/dislikes + -ing

Read the text and try to connect two or three short sentences to make one longer sentence. Use link words: but, so, though, because.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 623 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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