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Are Girls Better Students Than Boys?

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Most people think that girls are better students than boys. In England, girls ……higher marks in tests in most subjects and at most ages. A similar situation …. in the USA and many other countries.

However, two American teachers, William Draves and Julie Coates, …..that it is not the boys who are the problem, but the school. Their book, “Nine shift: Work, life, and education in the 21 st century…… that in fact boys are better prepared for the future. Boys are more interested in computers and the internet. They…… taking risks, and thinking about ways of making money and teamwork – things that are important for success at work.

The problem is that schools……boys for this behavior because they are bad at listening and following instructions.

Ex. 24 Make the sentences negative.

Model: Boys study more than girls at school. – Boys do not study more than girls at school.

1. The average boy scores higher marks in tests.

2. The researchers say that boys do badly at school because they are less intelligent.

3. Most schools give prizes to boys for their behaviour.

4. Some boys always listen well to their teachers.

5. William Draves thinks boys are the problems.

Ex. 25 Write some questions to the text and ask your partner to answer them.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 2428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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