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Harvesting recommendations

The following recommendations are to be used along with the instruction manual in making initial combine ad­justments.

Wheat. A cylinder speed of 1,000 to 1,300 r.p.m. is normal for most machines. Excessively close (1) cylinder to concave clearances should be avoided. Usually a spac­ing of approximately 1/4 to 1/2 in. will give satisfactory results. If the spacing were greater, the results would be unsatisfactory. In so far as it is possible to do so, obtain the required threshing action by varying the cylinder speed, while maintaining recommended concave settings. The chaffer should be from two-thirds to three-quarters open, and the sieve one-third to half open. Open fan shut­ters as much as possible without blowing good grain over. The fan blast should be directed towards the front of the sieves and should be strong enough to lift or float the chaff across the chaffer and sieves.

Oats. Oats must be completely ripe if the combined • grain is to be stored without heating. Extremely weedy oats may have to be cut and windrowed to dry the weeds sufficiently for combining. Oats can usually be combined at about the same cylinder speed as wheat, and with some­what greater cylinder to concave clearance. The chaf­fer and sieve are usually opened slightly more than for wheat, but the fan blast should be reduced.

Barley. Barley is relatively easy to combine if the crop is clean and dry. If the barley has ripened unevenly, or is excessively weedy, it may have to be cut and windrowed prior to combining. Barley can usually be combined at slightly lower cylinder speeds than wheat, and with about the same cylinder to concave clearance. Barley to be sold for malting purposes must not contain skinned or hulled (2) grains. The adjustable chaffer should be from half to two-thirds open, and the sieve one-third to half open. The fan shutters should be nearly open, with the fan blast direct­ed well to the front of the sieves.


(1) close — малый; (2) skinned — ободранный; hulled — без чешуи

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 421 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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