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Hay baling and balers

Speed is essential to good haymaking in order to con-serve the feed value of the crop. More hay can be baled in a given time with a pick-up baler than can be done with a stationary baler. Therefore the modern method of pick-up baling is found to be very valuable: it saves time and labour.

Before commencing baling operations it is always advisable to check thoroughly the equipment to be used. This is very important-a breakdown with the baler can cause a serious loss in quality as well as quantity of the hay being baled.

Bearings, shafts, chains and belts should be examined for wear or damage and replaced or repaired before the haymaking season starts. It is always advisable to check all machinery for wear and damage after each operation, and to order parts needed as soon as possible so as to have the machine in good working condition before it is required again.

Most modern pick-up balers are driven by an engine mounted on the baler, or by the engine of the towing tractor. This method is known as power take-off. It is achieved by means of a universal jointed coupling from the power take-off shaft of the tractor to the baler.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 527 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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