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Other farm machines


After Work. A binder should never be left after a day's work unless covered with a sheet; usually it will be found necessary to use a few sheaves to ensure that rain does not drive under the sheet. If a binder is left overnight the canvases must be slackened.

Traveling. When any long distance has to be covered always pack up the binder for travelling. Pull the reel back as far as it will go (1) and turn it, if necessary, to ensure that no arms project beyond "(2) the general line of the machine; if any do, they should be removed. Unless pneumatic travelling wheels are provided, do not haul at high speeds, on roads or rough surfaces. Great care should be exercised in passing through gateways.

Do not load the platform with a heavy weight of string, fuel or spare parts; this leads to distortion of the platform and damage of the canvas. Nothing should be placed on the platform unless the canvas is removed beforehand; it is not sufficient just to slacken it.

Storage. A binder must always be stored under cover, in a place where poultry cannot roost on it, rain drive in on it, or odd things like sacks, oil-drums etc. be put on it. Clean the whole binder down, using paraffin and a brush where necessary. Remove the canvases and go over them (3) for any breakages; have these repaired. Store can­vases in a dry place away from (4) rats and mice. Remove all chains and soak them in paraffin, clean them and store in waste oil until next season. Remove the knife, see that both this and the spare knife are sharp, and grease them thoroughly before packing away. Grease all fingers and similar bright parts to prevent rusting and grease all bearings thoroughly.

Where pneumatic-tyred wheels are fitted they should have all the weight taken off them (5) by screwing down the main wheel, blocking up the binder to keep it level, and finally screwing up the main wheel again.


(1)as far as it will go — до отказа

(2)project beyond — выдвигаются за

(3)go over them — проверьте их

(4)away from — где нет

(5)they should have all the weight taken off them — с них надо снять весь груз (балласт) (их надо освободить от груза (балласта), кото­рый был добавлен для лучшего сцепления колес с почвой)


The Silorator Mark II (1) forage harvester is a tractor-drawn machine, its primary purpose being the harvest­ing of forage for silage or grass drying, but it can also be used for a variety of other purposes as widely different a§ spreading straw after a combine harvester Of con­veying grain.

Apart from its merits as a comparatively cheap forage harvester, it is also believed that the laceration which the crop undergoes promotes lactic fermentation in the silo rapidly and at low temperatures, and thus makes better silage.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 366 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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