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A. A New Combine with a 6-ft Cut. A small self-pro­pelled combine has been designed. The new machine is ex­tremely maneuverable, having an overall width of 7 ft. 7 in. and weighing 34 cwts. It is low built, (1) height 8 ft. 3 in. and has a turning radius of 14 ft. It has a 6 ft. width of cut.

Power is supplied by the 4 cyl. 1500 c.c. engine, which develops 23.5 b.h.p. at 2,400 r.p.m. The drive is taken to the gearbox by V-belt through a conventional variable speed arrangement. The gearbox has three forward and one re­verse speeds, and the variable speed drive gives a choice of 11 speeds in each gear, giving a total of 33 speeds.

The differential is built Into the gearbox, and drive to the land wheels is through the gearbox centre shaft to internal gears in the wheels.

In testing the Improved design has proved that increased capacity and control is provided even when the crop is partly matted with wet weeds and mud.

The feeder, from table to cylinder, has been radically altered in design from the conventional vertical elevator, and many working parts are dispensed with. No chains or sprockets come into contact with the crop, and feeding is progressively controlled by two rotary drum conveyors.

The thin steel wire concave is believed to give max-' imum threshing at the cylinder, reducing grain damage.

The steering wheel is conveniently situated and operates through an automotive type steering linkage, the axle being fully articulated to allow easy travelling over rough ground (2) without strain on the chassis.

B. New Combine Harvesters. Combineharvesters grain-drying and storage equipment were in great demand at the show (in 1957. M.M.). Despite the progress which has been made in the mechanization of the grain harvest in the past ten years, there still is need for considerable work.

Two new combines which created a lot of interest were the new Ransomes (3) 12-ft. cut self-propelled machine and the 7-ft. cut Class Huckopack.(3)

The outstanding feature of the Class Huckopack is that it is carried on a power-frame tractor which can be removed and used as a general-purpose implement carrier. The com­bine is powered by a two-cylinder petrol engine and the car­rier by a single-cylinder Diesel. The reel and platform of the combine are controlled by a hydraulic system, which can be applied to other implements used with the tractor,

The Ferguson (3) tractor-mounted combine was not shown. Two new self-propelled combines which were not shown are expected to be available for this year's harvest. One of them has a 6-ft. cut and 3-ft. '3 in. cylinder, the other has a 7-ft. 6 In. cut and a 4-ft. cylinder, and is pow­ered by a David Brown Diesel (4) or v.o. engine.

N О T E S:

(1)low built — низко поставленный, с малым дорожным просве­том

(2)rough ground — неровный рельеф, неровная поверхность почвы

(3)Ransomes, Class Huckopack, Ferguson — марки комбайнов

(4) David Brown Diesel engine — дизельный двигатель марки Дэвид

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 416 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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