Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Our house and flat

Learn the new vocabulary:

flat – êâàðòèðà building – çäàíèå two-storey building – äâóõýòàæíîå çäàíèå brick building – êèðïè÷íûé äîì private house – ÷àñòíûé äîì block of flats – ìíîãîêâàðòèðíûé äîì entrance – ïîäúåçä balcony – áàëêîí on the floor – íà ýòàæå convenience – óäîáñòâî to heat – îòàïëèâàòü central building – îòîïëåíèå electricity – ýëåêòðè÷åñòâî running water – âîäîïðîâîä bedroom – ñïàëüíÿ living (sitting) room – ãîñòèíàÿ study – êàáèíåò kitchen – êóõíÿ entrance hall – ïðèõîæàÿ lavatory – òóàëåò furniture – ìåáåëü sofa-bed – äèâàí-êðîâàòü armchair – êðåñëî sideboard – ñåðâàíò bookcase – êíèæíûé øêàô bookshelf – êíèæíàÿ ïîëêà tape-recorder - ìàãíèòîôîí carpet – êîâåð curtain – çàíàâåñêà picture – êàðòèíà bedside table – òóìáî÷êà wardrobe – ïëàòÿíîé øêàô cupboard – ïîñóäíûé øêàô refrigerator – õîëîäèëüíèê stove – ïëèòà toilet articles – òóàëåòíûå ïðèíàäëåæíîñòè mirror – çåðêàëî hall-stand – âåøàëêà in the middle (of) – ïîñåðåäèíå in the corner – â óãëó on the left – ñëåâà on the right – ñïðàâà convenient – óäîáíûé comfortable – óäîáíûé warm – òåïëûé spacious- ïðîñòîðíûé cozy – óþòíûé of modern design – ñîâðåìåííûé to move – ïåðååçæàòü to live – æèòü to keep the house clean – ñîäåðæàòü äîì â ÷èñòîòå to watch TV – ñìîòðåòü òåëåâèçîð to stay at home – îñòàâàòüñÿ äîìà to look for a room – èñêàòü êîìíàòó

Ex.1 Read the text and answer the questions after it:

I live in a new nine-storied block of flats in Lenin street. Our house is of modern design. There's a big grocery on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping. In front of the house there is a children's playground and a small garden. We like to spend time there.

Our flat is on the third floor. It is very comfortable. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms in our flat: a living room and two bedrooms. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom, a small entrance hall and a balcony.

Our living room is the largest in the flat. It is nicely furnished. Against the wall you can see a nice sideboard. In the corner there is a color TV set. In the opposite corner there is a sofa and two armchairs. The piano is on the right. There are two pictures above the piano. Near it there is a bookcase. We are fond of books and have plenty of them at home. On the floor we have a nice thick carpet. The curtains on the window match the walls. All this makes the room cozy.

Our bedrooms are also very nice and cozy. The parents' bedroom Is larger than the children's. There are two beds, a bedside table, some chairs and a wardrobe in it. There is a lovely carpet on the floor between the beds.

The children's bedroom is just across the corridor on the right. Here you can see two sofa-beds where my sister and I sleep at night and have a rest at the day-time. There is also a writing table, two chairs and some bookshelves here. We use our bedroom as a study where we do our homework. In the comer of the room there is a small table with a tape-recorder on it. We ail enjoy listening to music.

Our kitchen is rather large. There is a gas-stove, four stools, a refrigerator and a cupboard in which we keep cups, plates and all our dishes. The kitchen serves us as a dining-room. But when we receive guests or have our family celebrations we have the meals in the living-room.

The bathroom is near the kitchen. Here we keep our toilet articles, have a bath and a shower.

The entrance hall is small. There is a hall-stand and a mirror on the wall. A telephone is on a special table under the mirror.

We are happy to have such a nice flat and try to keep it clean.

1. Where do you live?

2. Do you live in a private house or in a block of flats?

3. Is there a garden in front of your house?

4. What is there next to your house?

5. Is your house far from the metro (bus stop)?

6. What floor is your flat on?

7. What modern conveniences are there in your flat?

8. Is your flat large or small?

9. How many rooms are there in your flat?

10. Which is the biggest room in your flat?

11. How is your living-room furnished?

12. Do you often get together in your living-room?

13. Do you often get together in your living-room?

14. In what room do you receive guests?

15. Where do you keep your books?

16. Where do you usually have meals?

17. Are you happy with your flat?

Ex.2 Which word is the odd one? Choose the right word from the brackets:

1) There is a … in my study-room. (table, kitchen, desk) 2) Is there any … in that room? (cooker, furniture, fridge) 3) There is no … in the house, It is cold in winter. (mirror, fire-place, telephone) 4) Is there … in your kitchen? (hot water, garage, computer) 5) There is no balcony in my …. (garden, room, bathroom) 6) There are two large … in the sitting-room. (TV-sets, wardrobes, windows) 7) Is there a … in your sitting-room? (bath, desk, TV-set) 8) We have a table and some … in the dining-room. (chairs, bookshelves, beds) 9) Have you any bookshelves in your …? (kitchen, garden, study-room) 10) They have no … on Sunday. (visitors, teachers, students) 11) They have two … near the fire-place. (beds, armchairs, tables) 12) … the sofa he has a book-case. (under, to the right of, over)

Ex.3 Finish the following sentences:

1. We have four … in our new ….

2. My wife has a lot of things on … in her bedroom.

3. They have no … in the sitting-room.

4. She has … in her bedroom.

5. In front of the house there is ….

6. There is … in his study-room.

7. There are a lot of books ….

8. They have a garden behind their ….

9. My bedroom faces ….

10. Our bedrooms are ….

11. When we get up in the morning we go to ….

12. If you want to make coffee go to ….

13. In the evening our father likes to watch TV in ….

14. In the corner of her room there is ….

15. Our flat is on ….

Ex. 4 Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words in brackets:

1. He lives in a (ñîâðåìåííûé) house.

2. We live in a (ïÿòèýòàæíûé) building.

3. My grandmother lives in a (îäíîêîìíàòíàÿ) flat.

4. There is a (ñåðâàíò) at the wall.

5. There is a (ãàðäåðîá), a (çåðêàëî) and two beds in the bedroom.

6. We sleep in the (óþòíàÿ ñïàëüíÿ).

7. We keep books in the (êíèæíûé øêàô) or on the (êíèæíàÿ ïîëêà).

8. My mother does cooking on the (ãàçîâàÿ ïëèòà).

9. In the kitchen there is a stand with flowers (îêîëî îêíà).

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-11-02; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 2245 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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