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Learn the new vocabulary:

to wake up – просыпаться to get up – вставать to make the bed – заправлять кровать to do morning exercises – делать зарядку to take a shower (bath) – принимать душ (ванну) to have breakfast (dinner, supper) – завтракать (обедать, ужинать) to go by bus – ехать на автобусе to go on foot – идти пешком to be in a hurry – торопиться to be late for classes – опаздывать на занятия It takes me 40 minutes to get the University – я добираюсь до университета 40 минут to miss (to attend) classes – пропускать (посещать) занятия according to the time-table I have 4 classes a day – по расписанию у меня 4 пары в день on week days – в будние дни at the week end – в выходной to clean the flat – убирать квартиру to wash up – мыть посуду to do homework – делать домашнее задание to go to the gym – ходить в спортзал to have a rest – отдыхать to go to the country – ехать за город to go for a walk – идти на прогулку to go in for sport – заниматься спортом to watch TV, to listen to music – смотреть телевизор, слушать музыку to visit relatives, friends – ходить в гости к родственникам, друзьям to go to bed – ложиться спать

Ex. 1 Find the right definition for the following words:

  1. working day
  2. day off
  3. to be late
  4. to go on foot
  5. gym
  6. leisure

a) a large hall with special equipment for doing physical exercises

b) free time

c) to arrive somewhere after the correct time

d) a day when you don’t work

e) to walk

f) a day when you work, study, etc.

Ex.2 Find the antonyms:

to be late, day off, to work, to miss, to be in time, to get up, to attend, to have a rest, working day, to go to bed.

Ex.3 Cross out the wrong word:

a) Saturday, Monday, September, Tuesday;

b) supper, lunch, breakfast, time-table, dinner;

c) canteen, library, shopping center, classroom, gym;

d) cycling, dressing, skiing, climbing, bowling.

Ex.4 Use the right words (a - n) given below:

It is Monday today. I (1) … at about 7 o'clock. Then I did my (2) …, (3) … and have (4) …. Then I (5) … to my office. At the office I (6) …. Till 6 p.m. When I (7) … home I (8) … and then I have (9) …. In the evening I like (10) … a little or (11) …. Then I ring up my friend Paul and tell him about my plans for the (12) … and ask him to join me. He agrees. Then I (13) … the light and (14) ….

a) go on foot

b) week-end

c) morning exercises

d) am busy

e) get up

f) wash

g) turn off

h) read

i) breakfast

j) a short rest

k) watch TV

l) have dinner

m) come

n) turn off

Ex. 5 Put the words into suitable forms:

Many people are fond of (0) … art galleries. They like to walk in (1) … from one picture to another. Almost everybody has his (2) … artist. Some people prefer modern artists, others like (3) … style of (4) …. There are many world (5) … art galleries in Russia for example Hermitage, Tretjakov’s gallery and others. Many tourists from (6) … countries come to Russia to enjoy these (7) … pictures. visit silent favor classic paint fame differ beauty

Ex. 6 Read the text and answer the questions after it. Do you have the similar working day?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 898 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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