Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  


Learn the new vocabulary:

a friend – äðóã. ïîäðóãà friendship – äðóæáà to make friends – ïîäðóæèòüñÿ appearance – âíåøíîñòü ugly – áåçîáðàçíûé attractive – ïðèâëåêàòåëüíûé pretty – õîðîøåíüêèé handsome – èíòåðåñíûé (î ìóæ÷èíå) ordinary – îáû÷íûé beautiful – êðàñèâàÿ (î æåíùèíå) a figure – ôèãóðà well-built – õîðîøî ñëîæåííûé of medium height – ñðåäíåãî ðîñòà hair – âîëîñû dark – òåìíûé fair – ðóñûé blond – ñâåòëûé curly – âüþùèéñÿ wavy – âîëíèñòûé moustache – óñû eyes – ãëàçà slim – èçÿùíûé slender – ñòðîéíûé thin – õóäîùàâûé plump – ïóõëûé, ïîëíûé an expression – âûðàæåíèå cheerful – âåñåëûé worried – îáåñïîêîåííûé angry – ñåðäèòûé superior – íàäìåííûé kind – äîáðûé straight – ïðÿìîé a habit – ïðèâû÷êà a character – õàðàêòåð open-minded – îòêðûòûé strong – ñèëüíûé honest – ÷åñòíûé a sense of humour – ÷óâñòâî þìîðà pleasant – ïðèÿòíûé weak – ñëàáûé impressive – âïå÷àòëÿþùèé

Ex. 1 Read the text and answer the questions after it:

I have many friends, but my best friend is Nick. Nick is 22. He is an impressive figure: about 185 cm, well-built and strong. He has an oval face, straight nose, thick hair, blue eyes and an attractive smile. So people find him good-looking. Nick is particularly known for his warm and friendly character. Whenever a friend is in trouble he never fails to help. He is always open-minded and interested in other people. The only thing I don't like about Nick is that he smokes. But he is a person of strong character and I'm sure he will get rid of this bad habit.

We made friends with Nick when his family moved to our house. Nick was a schoolboy then. He was interested in sports and dreamt to enter the Institute of Physical Training and Sports. He passed exams well and became a student.

In general my friend is an interesting person. He is well-bred. He is fond of modern pop and rock music.

Nick goes in for sports with great enthusiasm. He plays basketball and football well. His hobby is body-building.

My friend is single and not going to marry yet. For me it is very important that Nick is an honest man. I can fully rely on. him and trust everything to him. Nick has got a great sense of humour and I like to spent time with him. It is impossible to be depressed with him around.

1. Have you got many friends?

2. Who is your best friend?

3. When did you make friends?

4. What is your friend?

5. How old is he?

6. Where was he born?

7. Where does he live now?

8. What does he look like?

9. Does he study at the University or at any other institute?

10. What year student is he?

  1. What is his future profession?
  2. Where does he work?
  3. What are the main features of his character?
  4. Can you rely on your friend in everything?
  5. Do you often spend time together?
  6. What is your friend's hobby?
  7. Is he married?

Ex.2 Give the antonyms to the following words:

1. dark – unkind

2. large – weak

3. pretty – light

4. strong – unpleasant

5. kind – dishonest

6. pleasant – ugly

7. honest – small

Ex.3 Describe your friend. What does he/she look like?

1. She is a very pretty girl.

She has: long hair, blue eyes, short legs, a long nose, curly hair, large eyes, grey hair

2. He is a handsome young man.

He is: short, tall, long-legged, slim, brown-haired, blue-eyed, fat, well-built

a girl (nice, pretty, long/short-haired, fair/dark-haired, blonde, blue/brown-eyed, slim, fat, long-legged, has a small nose, a pleasant smile)

a man (a young man, a boy, handsome, strong, well-built, tall/short, dark/fair-haired, has brown eyes, a big nose, long arms; short-cut hair)

a woman (young, old, good-looking, pleasant, kind, beautiful, slim, grey/dark-haired)

Ex.4 Use the model and describe your relatives:

Model: My daughter’s eyes are blue.

His wife’s Her husband’s Your grandfather’s Your sister’s Your brother’s My mother’s My father’s My His Your son’s Your daughter’s eyes hair face arms legs ears nose smile head manners grey long round short pleasant nice beautiful kind strong blue dark funny happy

Ex.5 Do you know any person according to this appearance?

1. She is attractive. She's got lovely long hair but the trouble is she knows it as well. She really thinks she's the greatest She always thinks she's the best at everything. All she ever thinks about is herself. She can't stand criticism of herself.

2. He wears glasses and moustache. I can't see his face. Maybe because of this I can't really trust him. He looks like a bandit to me.

3. She is a dreadful person. She's got lots of money but she hates spending it. She is not very tall – about 156 cm and she's rather thin. I suppose she has got blond hair, but she is not at all attractive. That face! Oh, god! She's awful!

4. He is a man of 40, not good-looking and not yet ugly. His hair is reddish, cut very short, his eyes are small, blue or grey. He looks commonplace. He is just a good, dull, honest, plain man, a pretty bore. One can admire his qualities, but avoid his company.

5. He's always complaining about everything around. It gets on my nerves. And he hasn't got any sense of humour at all. If you spend more than five minutes with him you just want to sleep.

Ex.6 Draw a small picture of these people. Describe your own appearance:

• He is 27 years old, 180 cm tall with short black hair and oval face. He is well-built and extremely strong.

• I think the glasses suit her. And she's got that beautiful long hair. She's always happy and smiling. It's impossible to be depressed with her around.

• She is not particularly good-looking, but she's got lovely dark curly hair,

Ex.7 Read the following text and answer the questions after it:

I come into the office and see a smiling man. He has a paper on his hand. "I hope you will like her," he says. It's a very nice office but the chair in which I sit is not too comfortable."

The door in the next room opens and a young woman comes in. She is pretty. She is really pretty.

“Mr. Walker, this is Miss Franklin. Hello.”

“Hello," she says.

“I'm pleased to meet you,” I say.

“I'm glad too,” she smiles. She has a very pleasant smile and beautiful small teeth. She is very shy.

“I'm twenty-five,” I say.

“Yes, I know,” she says.

There is really not much to talk about. I know that she likes classical music.

“Do you like classical music?” I ask her.

“Yes, I do. I have a good collection of records,” she says.

She likes music, books, dogs, cats, art and so on.

"I think we like the same things," I say.

“I'm glad you don't drink or smoke," she says. "We are very much alike."

Alice and I are married now. We live in a small house near London. She is a good wife and I hope I'm not a very bad husband either. We are a very happy family.

  1. Who does he see in the office?

2. What has the man in his hand?

3. Who comes in?

4. What does Miss Franklin look like?

5. Does she like classical or pop music?

6. Does he smoke or drink?

7. Where do they live now?

8. Aliñe is a good wife, isn't she?

9. Is he a good husband?

  1. Are they a happy family?

Ex.8 Make the proverbs using the words, explain their meanings and suggest the proper equivalents in Russian:

1. indeed, a friend, is, in need a friend.

2. thieves of time, friends, are

3. When, no tomorrow, a friend, there is, asks.

4. as well as, a man, by his foes, is judged, by his friends.


A. Tell the story about your family and your friend's family;

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-11-02; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 1613 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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