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Ex.10 A. Read the text about two brothers who love driving, Michael and Ralf Schumacher

Michael: Ralf:

Team: Ferrari Team: Williams

Date of Birth: January 3, 1969 Date of Birth: June 30, 1975

Car number: 1 Car number: 5

Nationality: German Nationality: German

Marital status: Married with two children Marital status: Married

Michael: Michael is the five-times World Champion and the best driver in the world today. He started Formula One racing with Jordan in 1991. After just one race, the Benetton team said they wanted him. In 1994 he won his first Drivers' Championship title. He joined Ferrari in 1996. Michael is famous for being very self-confident but the media call him arrogant. He loves winning but he has a fiery temper and has been in fights with other drivers. What does Michael think of Ralf driving in the same race? He says, «He's always my brother, even in a race. He's just great.» Ralf: Ralf started Formula 1 in 1997. He drove for Jordan but became unhappy. Michael helped him join the Williams team in 1999. This was not easy and Ralf had to sue Jordan to end his contract with them. Ralf has shown the world he is as talented as his brother. When he crosses the finishing line, he is usually one of the top 5. Ralf says, «Michael is my big brother and I really admire him. We get on really well.»  

B. Who says it? Put M for Michael and R for Ralf.

1) My brother is not as old as I am. M

2) I didn't like driving for Jordan as much as I like driving for Williams. ___

3) I don't earn as much as my brother. ___

4) My brother is not as confident as I am on the track. ___

5) I don't win as many races as my brother. ___

6) I'm not as calm as my brother. ___

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 599 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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